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Feb 22, 2019 3:35 PM
Aniteku said: Episode 5 to 7 isnt filler it was trying to make the viewers to warm up to filo and raphtalia for the shit that going to happen in ep 8. Also find it kinda lame on how crits need to have all the info given to them to figure out each episode like they never saw mystery in an anime before. Each episode give a little bit for the end arc most of your question will be explained later. Like in this arc naofumi is cleaning up other heroes screw ups we got to see spear heros . Next will be sword then bows. Then you really dont need high iq to figure out what will be the other heroes reaction when they learn about it . The big question in why malty and king treat naofumi like crap also will be explained later too it isnt just for plot they do have a solid reason why they hate him and why they were forced to summon him with the other 3. Its ok to try guess it but dont assume unless you saw the entire anime. It has to be a reason why people love this anime so much and i bet most of them is bc they read the LN. I enjoyed Episodes 5 and 6. I thought those ones were executed decently albeit with some changes I wasn't a big fan of and some left out details. This episode was 'okay'. Raph and Filo did have some quality time together which wasn't really portrayed in the manga. However, I wasn't too thrilled with Filo's "mate" comment unless that was a mistranslation. The past 3 episodes do a better job explaining how Naofumi developed his merchant and crafting skills whereas in the manga, they kind of just happened. In addition, the flow during this stretch is generally better than in the manga where it felt more abrupt. I just wish that the latest episode was executed better. |
Feb 22, 2019 3:54 PM
SSL443 said: Shield Hero is not that. Characters behaving in inexplicable and unjustified ways is not a mystery. Making the viewer confused or annoyed does not create suspense. Inconsistency =/= mystery. How many times do I need to explain this? Ok ic what you mean and your right i apologize but still doesnt change on how people keep using this same complain about the anime with "theres no reason for them to act like this no normal person would behave like they do" they do ALL have a reason princess,king, spear, bow and sword. They will be showed and explained in do time. The plot is not a master piece that true but is still solid and it works my only complaint with the plot is they skip some interesting details from the LN like the 3 other heroes actualy die in real world. Raphtalia got bully by kids when she played with her ball for the first time And naofumi does look like he geting a lot money with his merchant job but he has to keep spend it all on food for filo and theres a lot more. My other crits of this show are really a bit to fast paced the animation kinda is bad on faraway characters and filo never used the word "mate" And theres no filler episodes |
AnitekuFeb 22, 2019 4:11 PM
Feb 22, 2019 4:11 PM
hystar said: mecegirl said: Anything dealing with spoilers is not worth defending. So Raphtalia's growth was explained in short order. But the Kingdom's hate has yet to be explained and that's gonna bother some people but it doesn't have to. IMO not being more upfront with the reasons for the Kingdom's hate is a flaw in the writing simply because it causes more confusion than necessary. Like we have had to delve into spoiler tags just to talk people into sticking with the story. Or point out super minute foreshadowing just to explain it. All that for a reason that makes 100% sense and wouldn't have ruined the flow of the story if it were more explicit. By that I mean that religion can be a pretty big deal in folks everyday lives and in politics. It always has been. So just having someone outright say that the church worships three hero's instead of four from the jump should have been fine. Such a revelation wouldn't have ruined the holy water or class up scenes later in the story IMO. I guess the writer didn't want to make it too obvious that Malty and the church were plotting together? Or that the church was an antagonist until later? Like just have the pope talk some shit to Naofumi from the first episode instead of looming in the background. It ain't like religious leaders who have gained political power are ever quiet in real life. So why the mystery? But yeah we all have our tastes. I wasn't a big fan of HxH either...And no matter how many times my roommate brings it up I don't like Eyeshield 21. I've tried, it just isn't the sports anime for me. It's fine to hate whichever hero for whatever reasons, but when he's done good and these characters have to do illegal shits to hate on someone then it becomes plain stupid. The fact that the princess telling the one specific hero to steal a sealed seed created by some random past legends(no full story on it) to try and 'help' a village by growing a plant is more than stupid. How she got the info on that? How did they break the seal? Why would that hero follow with this plant plan? Everything is so shallow it's sad. All that just to make the hero a better character, all that just to give him another bargaining rights, wtf is the point? Because right now we all know the entire kingdom are filled with stupid people, and this pos anime is written by a stupid author, because I'm only talking about the 'politics' or agenda against the shield hero, I didn't even bother about other stupid plots of this anime. Honestly, my main gripe with the storytelling is the antagonists. It...well it kinda drags on for a bit to the point that I have put keeping up with the manga on hold till things build up more. Cuz a lot of the time they are so stupid. Its sad because there is so much potential!! And really that potential is the only thing keeping me interested. I'm pretty much watching the anime just to see if they improve on the manga. |
Feb 22, 2019 4:42 PM
hystar said: ttcchen said: hystar said: ttcchen said: hystar said: the princess issue will get solved very soonttcchen said: This eps actually disappointed me. Not only did they add in filler material (2nd half) they also made it so harem-like when in the manga Raph and Firo have a better, closer, family-like bond. This world that is supposed to be getting world ending waves of monsters but is now a peaceful and relax place where the hero have so much time on hand to play racehorse, play trademaster, and the princess with all the info now suddenly want to 'aid' a specific hero to become king, only to set up nicely for Naofumi(yet again) to clean up the mess, EASILY because it's somehow his shield is the only good answer to the freaking random plant created by random legends, the best is there's time for some onsen shit, and the 2 girls spending a whole day to buy a freaking hammer. How this anime can get 8.5 ratings is beyond me, the base story and the potential is there for that kind of ratings, but ever since the Princess' agenda against him it's been down hill, this will end up being one of the worst isekais I've ever watched, and not one comes close to this bad. Solved? Then I expect more nonsense. The fact that a hero was granted land and immediately increased tax to crazy amounts for mere villagers, only to go through all that trouble to find a seed, break the seal, plant it to help another village is just f-king dumb. There's absolutely zero consistencies in this anime it's ridiculous. Also most ppl starts liking the anime after the princess issue gets solved because it's super satisfying. Super satisfying? What because an idiot character doing mindless things is now getting the punishment she deserves? Also, I can't assume anything but you can? What is this hypocrisy? And you can reply to my questions/comment but I can't? Why? I'm lost. ttcchen said: hystar said: Cleckeroo said: hystar said: Cleckeroo said: It's not really lazy writing in my opinion because the author gave a deeper explanation for the hate and she/he made an arc prior to that country Btw the false accusation and the hate is all necessary because of how it impacts Naofumi's character, remember Naofumi is not like this before the accusation. It's pointless, if you think this is necessary then I think we can have 100 more episodes of these stupid side stories about how people set him up stupidly just to let him have all the glory in return. It was so easy too this time because his abilities are the perfect(if not only) answer to a random seed created by random legends(there's also no follow up story about it), the chest is also supposed to be sealed, so how does the princess know about this seed? how she knows about this seed but not know it's a bad one? how did she figure out how to break the seal? It's just a shallow side story and the onsen part is just fan service. And I'm not even discussing about other shitty plots of the anime, like the world ending waves of monsters, but now the entire planet is a safe and peaceful place for travelling and trading on a carriage... This episode is horrible, this anime is horrible, the characters are terrible because everything is shallow and forced. You know what just drop this anime and just leave the discussion, if you feel that this series is shallow I don't even care anymore. All I know is I enjoy this anime a lot even it has some flaws. Every anime has flaws, but this one is so inconsistent it's crazy how people can enjoy it still, especially on a thread about an episode filled with filler stuffs and harem fan service. Spear hero granted land and increasing tax to unpayable amounts, challenged shield hero to a race(clearly not happy even with proper reasoning), but then next episode goes through all the trouble to find a seed, break the seal, and plant it to help a SPECIFIC village. Oh and it happens so conveniently again that the shield hero comes to the rescue, on a trip to try and deliver pots, and also so conveniently his shield abilities made it effortless, literally just pour pots onto the floor. Wow.... so much to enjoy about this anime. It's like a surprise because you don't know what other idiotic stories they will come up with next, every episode is filled with so much excitement, just to see more idiots trying to set up the shield hero only for him to bask in all the glory. Edit: Why force people to leave a discussion? Are we only allowed to discuss about animes we give 10/10 ratings? Also you tried to act like you are neutral and said this anime has flaws, but you rated it 10/10 like as if it's flawless. I'm asking him a simple question because I'm curious, I have no intention to ask anyone to join me or to hate this anime, I just can't understand people are hating logic more than the inconsistencies of the anime. You have no counter points so you turn it into some personal thing and throw half insults/sarcastic remarks. Is this allowed here? Simple, I don't give a fck on the bad scenes and appreciate what's good in this series. I can criticize this series because there are many flaws like everyone said, but I choose not to focus on the negative side of the anime and instead I focus on the positive side. Sorry about earlier I ran out of arguments on the other guys because I'm tired and sleepy here I am just woke up in the morning and explaining why I like this show and nothing can change that even a bad episode. |
Feb 22, 2019 5:05 PM
hystar said: Cleckeroo said: hystar said: ttcchen said: hystar said: i dont give a fuck what you expect. You'll either be proven wrong when that scene airs, or you'll find more flaws to criticize. It doesn't matter to me. Don't reply to me just to complain about what you assume would happen. I get enough emails in a day already.ttcchen said: hystar said: the princess issue will get solved very soonttcchen said: This eps actually disappointed me. Not only did they add in filler material (2nd half) they also made it so harem-like when in the manga Raph and Firo have a better, closer, family-like bond. This world that is supposed to be getting world ending waves of monsters but is now a peaceful and relax place where the hero have so much time on hand to play racehorse, play trademaster, and the princess with all the info now suddenly want to 'aid' a specific hero to become king, only to set up nicely for Naofumi(yet again) to clean up the mess, EASILY because it's somehow his shield is the only good answer to the freaking random plant created by random legends, the best is there's time for some onsen shit, and the 2 girls spending a whole day to buy a freaking hammer. How this anime can get 8.5 ratings is beyond me, the base story and the potential is there for that kind of ratings, but ever since the Princess' agenda against him it's been down hill, this will end up being one of the worst isekais I've ever watched, and not one comes close to this bad. Solved? Then I expect more nonsense. The fact that a hero was granted land and immediately increased tax to crazy amounts for mere villagers, only to go through all that trouble to find a seed, break the seal, plant it to help another village is just f-king dumb. There's absolutely zero consistencies in this anime it's ridiculous. Also most ppl starts liking the anime after the princess issue gets solved because it's super satisfying. Super satisfying? What because an idiot character doing mindless things is now getting the punishment she deserves? Also, I can't assume anything but you can? What is this hypocrisy? And you can reply to my questions/comment but I can't? Why? I'm lost. ttcchen said: hystar said: ok i know this anime has flaws and this episode is shit i agree with you, but no need to rub the flaws and plot holes and how awful this episode is too people's face. It's as if you want to ruin their enjoyment of this anime because you don't like it. "This anime is shit, so no one is allowed to like it" as if that's what you're saying. Just let ppl enjoy this anime in peace. If they enjoy it, then so be it. It has nothing to do with you. Stop pointing out all the flaws as if you're trying to persuade them to join your side and spread negativity in this forum. Just leave @Cleckeroo alone and let him enjoy his show.Cleckeroo said: hystar said: Cleckeroo said: It's not really lazy writing in my opinion because the author gave a deeper explanation for the hate and she/he made an arc prior to that country Btw the false accusation and the hate is all necessary because of how it impacts Naofumi's character, remember Naofumi is not like this before the accusation. It's pointless, if you think this is necessary then I think we can have 100 more episodes of these stupid side stories about how people set him up stupidly just to let him have all the glory in return. It was so easy too this time because his abilities are the perfect(if not only) answer to a random seed created by random legends(there's also no follow up story about it), the chest is also supposed to be sealed, so how does the princess know about this seed? how she knows about this seed but not know it's a bad one? how did she figure out how to break the seal? It's just a shallow side story and the onsen part is just fan service. And I'm not even discussing about other shitty plots of the anime, like the world ending waves of monsters, but now the entire planet is a safe and peaceful place for travelling and trading on a carriage... This episode is horrible, this anime is horrible, the characters are terrible because everything is shallow and forced. You know what just drop this anime and just leave the discussion, if you feel that this series is shallow I don't even care anymore. All I know is I enjoy this anime a lot even it has some flaws. Every anime has flaws, but this one is so inconsistent it's crazy how people can enjoy it still, especially on a thread about an episode filled with filler stuffs and harem fan service. Spear hero granted land and increasing tax to unpayable amounts, challenged shield hero to a race(clearly not happy even with proper reasoning), but then next episode goes through all the trouble to find a seed, break the seal, and plant it to help a SPECIFIC village. Oh and it happens so conveniently again that the shield hero comes to the rescue, on a trip to try and deliver pots, and also so conveniently his shield abilities made it effortless, literally just pour pots onto the floor. Wow.... so much to enjoy about this anime. It's like a surprise because you don't know what other idiotic stories they will come up with next, every episode is filled with so much excitement, just to see more idiots trying to set up the shield hero only for him to bask in all the glory. Edit: Why force people to leave a discussion? Are we only allowed to discuss about animes we give 10/10 ratings? Also you tried to act like you are neutral and said this anime has flaws, but you rated it 10/10 like as if it's flawless. I'm asking him a simple question because I'm curious, I have no intention to ask anyone to join me or to hate this anime, I just can't understand people are hating logic more than the inconsistencies of the anime. You have no counter points so you turn it into some personal thing and throw half insults/sarcastic remarks. Is this allowed here? Simple, I don't give a fck on the bad scenes and appreciate what's good in this series. I can criticize this series because there are many flaws like everyone said, but I choose not to focus on the negative side of the anime and instead I focus on the positive side. Sorry about earlier I ran out of arguments on the other guys because I'm tired and sleepy here I am just woke up in the morning and explaining why I like this show and nothing can change that even a bad episode. Fair enough, if you can ignore every flaw then every anime is a 10/10 for you. If you assume that I give every anime a 10 you're dead wrong. I give this a 10 because I know what's coming and it also balances the light hearted scenes and non light hearted scenes , because of that I gave it a 10. There are good animes that I dropped like HxH Gurren Lagan Attack on titan Shoukugeki no soma, Tokyo Ghoul and Kuroko no basket, those show are just not my cup of tea and I will give the shows 5 (I'm kinda new to MAL so I focused only in my favorite shows for now). |
Feb 22, 2019 5:15 PM
Cleckeroo said: i only give it a 10 bc i saw a lot giving it a 1 or 2 just to lower the score really my real score is a 8hystar said: Cleckeroo said: hystar said: ttcchen said: hystar said: i dont give a fuck what you expect. You'll either be proven wrong when that scene airs, or you'll find more flaws to criticize. It doesn't matter to me. Don't reply to me just to complain about what you assume would happen. I get enough emails in a day already.ttcchen said: hystar said: the princess issue will get solved very soonttcchen said: This eps actually disappointed me. Not only did they add in filler material (2nd half) they also made it so harem-like when in the manga Raph and Firo have a better, closer, family-like bond. This world that is supposed to be getting world ending waves of monsters but is now a peaceful and relax place where the hero have so much time on hand to play racehorse, play trademaster, and the princess with all the info now suddenly want to 'aid' a specific hero to become king, only to set up nicely for Naofumi(yet again) to clean up the mess, EASILY because it's somehow his shield is the only good answer to the freaking random plant created by random legends, the best is there's time for some onsen shit, and the 2 girls spending a whole day to buy a freaking hammer. How this anime can get 8.5 ratings is beyond me, the base story and the potential is there for that kind of ratings, but ever since the Princess' agenda against him it's been down hill, this will end up being one of the worst isekais I've ever watched, and not one comes close to this bad. Solved? Then I expect more nonsense. The fact that a hero was granted land and immediately increased tax to crazy amounts for mere villagers, only to go through all that trouble to find a seed, break the seal, plant it to help another village is just f-king dumb. There's absolutely zero consistencies in this anime it's ridiculous. Also most ppl starts liking the anime after the princess issue gets solved because it's super satisfying. Super satisfying? What because an idiot character doing mindless things is now getting the punishment she deserves? Also, I can't assume anything but you can? What is this hypocrisy? And you can reply to my questions/comment but I can't? Why? I'm lost. ttcchen said: hystar said: ok i know this anime has flaws and this episode is shit i agree with you, but no need to rub the flaws and plot holes and how awful this episode is too people's face. It's as if you want to ruin their enjoyment of this anime because you don't like it. "This anime is shit, so no one is allowed to like it" as if that's what you're saying. Just let ppl enjoy this anime in peace. If they enjoy it, then so be it. It has nothing to do with you. Stop pointing out all the flaws as if you're trying to persuade them to join your side and spread negativity in this forum. Just leave @Cleckeroo alone and let him enjoy his show.Cleckeroo said: hystar said: Cleckeroo said: It's not really lazy writing in my opinion because the author gave a deeper explanation for the hate and she/he made an arc prior to that country Btw the false accusation and the hate is all necessary because of how it impacts Naofumi's character, remember Naofumi is not like this before the accusation. It's pointless, if you think this is necessary then I think we can have 100 more episodes of these stupid side stories about how people set him up stupidly just to let him have all the glory in return. It was so easy too this time because his abilities are the perfect(if not only) answer to a random seed created by random legends(there's also no follow up story about it), the chest is also supposed to be sealed, so how does the princess know about this seed? how she knows about this seed but not know it's a bad one? how did she figure out how to break the seal? It's just a shallow side story and the onsen part is just fan service. And I'm not even discussing about other shitty plots of the anime, like the world ending waves of monsters, but now the entire planet is a safe and peaceful place for travelling and trading on a carriage... This episode is horrible, this anime is horrible, the characters are terrible because everything is shallow and forced. You know what just drop this anime and just leave the discussion, if you feel that this series is shallow I don't even care anymore. All I know is I enjoy this anime a lot even it has some flaws. Every anime has flaws, but this one is so inconsistent it's crazy how people can enjoy it still, especially on a thread about an episode filled with filler stuffs and harem fan service. Spear hero granted land and increasing tax to unpayable amounts, challenged shield hero to a race(clearly not happy even with proper reasoning), but then next episode goes through all the trouble to find a seed, break the seal, and plant it to help a SPECIFIC village. Oh and it happens so conveniently again that the shield hero comes to the rescue, on a trip to try and deliver pots, and also so conveniently his shield abilities made it effortless, literally just pour pots onto the floor. Wow.... so much to enjoy about this anime. It's like a surprise because you don't know what other idiotic stories they will come up with next, every episode is filled with so much excitement, just to see more idiots trying to set up the shield hero only for him to bask in all the glory. Edit: Why force people to leave a discussion? Are we only allowed to discuss about animes we give 10/10 ratings? Also you tried to act like you are neutral and said this anime has flaws, but you rated it 10/10 like as if it's flawless. I'm asking him a simple question because I'm curious, I have no intention to ask anyone to join me or to hate this anime, I just can't understand people are hating logic more than the inconsistencies of the anime. You have no counter points so you turn it into some personal thing and throw half insults/sarcastic remarks. Is this allowed here? Simple, I don't give a fck on the bad scenes and appreciate what's good in this series. I can criticize this series because there are many flaws like everyone said, but I choose not to focus on the negative side of the anime and instead I focus on the positive side. Sorry about earlier I ran out of arguments on the other guys because I'm tired and sleepy here I am just woke up in the morning and explaining why I like this show and nothing can change that even a bad episode. Fair enough, if you can ignore every flaw then every anime is a 10/10 for you. If you assume that I give every anime a 10 you're dead wrong. I give this a 10 because I know what's coming and it also balances the light hearted scenes and non light hearted scenes , because of that I gave it a 10. There are good animes that I dropped like HxH Gurren Lagan Attack on titan Shoukugeki no soma, Tokyo Ghoul and Kuroko no basket, those show are just not my cup of tea and I will give the shows 5 (I'm kinda new to MAL so I focused only in my favorite shows for now). |
Feb 22, 2019 5:25 PM
Aniteku said: SSL443 said: Shield Hero is not that. Characters behaving in inexplicable and unjustified ways is not a mystery. Making the viewer confused or annoyed does not create suspense. Inconsistency =/= mystery. How many times do I need to explain this? Ok ic what you mean and your right i apologize but still doesnt change on how people keep using this same complain about the anime with "theres no reason for them to act like this no normal person would behave like they do" they do ALL have a reason princess,king, spear, bow and sword. They will be showed and explained in do time. The plot is not a master piece that true but is still solid and it works my only complaint with the plot is they skip some interesting details from the LN like the 3 other heroes actualy die in real world. Raphtalia got bully by kids when she played with her ball for the first time And naofumi does look like he geting a lot money with his merchant job but he has to keep spend it all on food for filo and theres a lot more. My other crits of this show are really a bit to fast paced the animation kinda is bad on faraway characters and filo never used the word "mate" And theres no filler episodes There are things that should be kept secret at this point in the plot and things that shouldn't. I think more time with the other three heroes is warranted. They seemed to view Naofumi as a joke from the start but their willingness to just believe that he's a rapist is a bit much. Without a bit more time in their heads it feels arbitrary when it really doesn't need to. I can't get into Malty and the King without spoilers, but those spoilers are worth it IMO. So leaving their motivations obscure works. Its a nice reveal. The town people are very inconsistent. It does make sense that the people in the capital would behave harshly towards Naofumi and the people in the country would be more willing to give him a chance. But I say that because I know what happens. Being a bit more explicit with why they distrust Shield heroes is something that can be done without spoiling the twists and turns of the plot. But that I think is part of why people keep saying that there is no reason for them to act the way that they do. It is because we haven't been giveing a reason why they behave the way that they do. And I get that we are seeing things through Naofumi's view point but it makes for unengaging antagonists. It leaves a feeling that they are just stupid. And yeah, maybe that was the intent because they are supposed to be that stupid. But its hard to root for Naofumi when what he is fighting against is just plain stupidity. I wrote about it in previous responses in this thread, but it wouldn't take much to do that. Just a few scenes. |
Feb 22, 2019 5:45 PM
hystar said: my apologies, obsessed fanboy. Discussion is between two willing participants. One sided discussion is shoving opinions down people's throat. You weren't having a discussion with @Cleckeroo, so you're in no place to call me out on not discussing. Assumptions are without proofs. You have not read the source material or the manga, so you're assuming the future plot and making fun of it. While what i stated is based on facts. Unless your english is awful, any literate person would understand when someone doesn't want to talk to you no more. Like when you confess to someone but they only said "you're just a friend" it's logical to derive her rejection in her words. Is that assumptions? No, it's a fact. Just because someone didn't straight out tell you "stop talking to me" doesn't mean they want you to keep pestering them. They already said "whatever, i dont care anymore" so im asking you, nicely :D, to stay out of his hair.ttcchen said: hystar said: ttcchen said: hystar said: i dont give a fuck what you expect. You'll either be proven wrong when that scene airs, or you'll find more flaws to criticize. It doesn't matter to me. Don't reply to me just to complain about what you assume would happen. I get enough emails in a day already.ttcchen said: hystar said: the princess issue will get solved very soonttcchen said: This eps actually disappointed me. Not only did they add in filler material (2nd half) they also made it so harem-like when in the manga Raph and Firo have a better, closer, family-like bond. This world that is supposed to be getting world ending waves of monsters but is now a peaceful and relax place where the hero have so much time on hand to play racehorse, play trademaster, and the princess with all the info now suddenly want to 'aid' a specific hero to become king, only to set up nicely for Naofumi(yet again) to clean up the mess, EASILY because it's somehow his shield is the only good answer to the freaking random plant created by random legends, the best is there's time for some onsen shit, and the 2 girls spending a whole day to buy a freaking hammer. How this anime can get 8.5 ratings is beyond me, the base story and the potential is there for that kind of ratings, but ever since the Princess' agenda against him it's been down hill, this will end up being one of the worst isekais I've ever watched, and not one comes close to this bad. Solved? Then I expect more nonsense. The fact that a hero was granted land and immediately increased tax to crazy amounts for mere villagers, only to go through all that trouble to find a seed, break the seal, plant it to help another village is just f-king dumb. There's absolutely zero consistencies in this anime it's ridiculous. Also most ppl starts liking the anime after the princess issue gets solved because it's super satisfying. Super satisfying? What because an idiot character doing mindless things is now getting the punishment she deserves? Also, I can't assume anything but you can? What is this hypocrisy? And you can reply to my questions/comment but I can't? Why? I'm lost. If u want to know why it's satisfying then keep watching. Stop making fun of what you assume would happen in a discussion thread. And would you do everything ppl on the internet tells you to do? No? There's your answer then. hystar said: ttcchen said: hystar said: ok i know this anime has flaws and this episode is shit i agree with you, but no need to rub the flaws and plot holes and how awful this episode is too people's face. It's as if you want to ruin their enjoyment of this anime because you don't like it. "This anime is shit, so no one is allowed to like it" as if that's what you're saying. Just let ppl enjoy this anime in peace. If they enjoy it, then so be it. It has nothing to do with you. Stop pointing out all the flaws as if you're trying to persuade them to join your side and spread negativity in this forum. Just leave @Cleckeroo alone and let him enjoy his show.Cleckeroo said: hystar said: Cleckeroo said: It's not really lazy writing in my opinion because the author gave a deeper explanation for the hate and she/he made an arc prior to that country Btw the false accusation and the hate is all necessary because of how it impacts Naofumi's character, remember Naofumi is not like this before the accusation. It's pointless, if you think this is necessary then I think we can have 100 more episodes of these stupid side stories about how people set him up stupidly just to let him have all the glory in return. It was so easy too this time because his abilities are the perfect(if not only) answer to a random seed created by random legends(there's also no follow up story about it), the chest is also supposed to be sealed, so how does the princess know about this seed? how she knows about this seed but not know it's a bad one? how did she figure out how to break the seal? It's just a shallow side story and the onsen part is just fan service. And I'm not even discussing about other shitty plots of the anime, like the world ending waves of monsters, but now the entire planet is a safe and peaceful place for travelling and trading on a carriage... This episode is horrible, this anime is horrible, the characters are terrible because everything is shallow and forced. You know what just drop this anime and just leave the discussion, if you feel that this series is shallow I don't even care anymore. All I know is I enjoy this anime a lot even it has some flaws. Every anime has flaws, but this one is so inconsistent it's crazy how people can enjoy it still, especially on a thread about an episode filled with filler stuffs and harem fan service. Spear hero granted land and increasing tax to unpayable amounts, challenged shield hero to a race(clearly not happy even with proper reasoning), but then next episode goes through all the trouble to find a seed, break the seal, and plant it to help a SPECIFIC village. Oh and it happens so conveniently again that the shield hero comes to the rescue, on a trip to try and deliver pots, and also so conveniently his shield abilities made it effortless, literally just pour pots onto the floor. Wow.... so much to enjoy about this anime. It's like a surprise because you don't know what other idiotic stories they will come up with next, every episode is filled with so much excitement, just to see more idiots trying to set up the shield hero only for him to bask in all the glory. Edit: Why force people to leave a discussion? Are we only allowed to discuss about animes we give 10/10 ratings? Also you tried to act like you are neutral and said this anime has flaws, but you rated it 10/10 like as if it's flawless. I'm asking him a simple question because I'm curious, I have no intention to ask anyone to join me or to hate this anime, I just can't understand people are hating logic more than the inconsistencies of the anime. You have no counter points so you turn it into some personal thing and throw half insults/sarcastic remarks. Is this allowed here? Are you assuming things again? I'm shoving opinions down people's throat? If that's the case I'm only 2nd to you. Also what do you gotta do with my conversation with another person when you are the one being extremely rude without any reasoning or any value of discussion in your words? Last but not least, are you actually woman/girl shaming? |
Feb 22, 2019 5:57 PM
Daily reminder that an anime's average score is determined by its entertainment value because the average anime fan isn't a gd critic looking to nitpick at every detail. Seriously guys, you have to have better things to do than debate endlessly about something that will never reach a conclusion. |
Feb 22, 2019 6:05 PM
ttcchen said: hystar said: my apologies, obsessed fanboy. Discussion is between two willing participants. One sided discussion is shoving opinions down people's throat. You weren't having a discussion with @Cleckeroo, so you're in no place to call me out on not discussing. Assumptions are without proofs. You have not read the source material or the manga, so you're assuming the future plot and making fun of it. While what i stated is based on facts. Unless your english is awful, any literate person would understand when someone doesn't want to talk to you no more. Like when you confess to someone but they only said "you're just a friend" it's logical to derive her rejection in her words. Is that assumptions? No, it's a fact. Just because someone didn't straight out tell you "stop talking to me" doesn't mean they want you to keep pestering them. They already said "whatever, i dont care anymore" so im asking you, nicely :D, to stay out of his hair.ttcchen said: hystar said: ttcchen said: hystar said: i dont give a fuck what you expect. You'll either be proven wrong when that scene airs, or you'll find more flaws to criticize. It doesn't matter to me. Don't reply to me just to complain about what you assume would happen. I get enough emails in a day already.ttcchen said: hystar said: the princess issue will get solved very soonttcchen said: This eps actually disappointed me. Not only did they add in filler material (2nd half) they also made it so harem-like when in the manga Raph and Firo have a better, closer, family-like bond. This world that is supposed to be getting world ending waves of monsters but is now a peaceful and relax place where the hero have so much time on hand to play racehorse, play trademaster, and the princess with all the info now suddenly want to 'aid' a specific hero to become king, only to set up nicely for Naofumi(yet again) to clean up the mess, EASILY because it's somehow his shield is the only good answer to the freaking random plant created by random legends, the best is there's time for some onsen shit, and the 2 girls spending a whole day to buy a freaking hammer. How this anime can get 8.5 ratings is beyond me, the base story and the potential is there for that kind of ratings, but ever since the Princess' agenda against him it's been down hill, this will end up being one of the worst isekais I've ever watched, and not one comes close to this bad. Solved? Then I expect more nonsense. The fact that a hero was granted land and immediately increased tax to crazy amounts for mere villagers, only to go through all that trouble to find a seed, break the seal, plant it to help another village is just f-king dumb. There's absolutely zero consistencies in this anime it's ridiculous. Also most ppl starts liking the anime after the princess issue gets solved because it's super satisfying. Super satisfying? What because an idiot character doing mindless things is now getting the punishment she deserves? Also, I can't assume anything but you can? What is this hypocrisy? And you can reply to my questions/comment but I can't? Why? I'm lost. If u want to know why it's satisfying then keep watching. Stop making fun of what you assume would happen in a discussion thread. And would you do everything ppl on the internet tells you to do? No? There's your answer then. hystar said: that person clearly doesn't want to talk to you anymore so stop chasing after him like some obsessed fangirl. Stop shoving your opinions down their throat. It's aggravatingttcchen said: hystar said: ok i know this anime has flaws and this episode is shit i agree with you, but no need to rub the flaws and plot holes and how awful this episode is too people's face. It's as if you want to ruin their enjoyment of this anime because you don't like it. "This anime is shit, so no one is allowed to like it" as if that's what you're saying. Just let ppl enjoy this anime in peace. If they enjoy it, then so be it. It has nothing to do with you. Stop pointing out all the flaws as if you're trying to persuade them to join your side and spread negativity in this forum. Just leave @Cleckeroo alone and let him enjoy his show.Cleckeroo said: hystar said: Cleckeroo said: It's not really lazy writing in my opinion because the author gave a deeper explanation for the hate and she/he made an arc prior to that country Btw the false accusation and the hate is all necessary because of how it impacts Naofumi's character, remember Naofumi is not like this before the accusation. It's pointless, if you think this is necessary then I think we can have 100 more episodes of these stupid side stories about how people set him up stupidly just to let him have all the glory in return. It was so easy too this time because his abilities are the perfect(if not only) answer to a random seed created by random legends(there's also no follow up story about it), the chest is also supposed to be sealed, so how does the princess know about this seed? how she knows about this seed but not know it's a bad one? how did she figure out how to break the seal? It's just a shallow side story and the onsen part is just fan service. And I'm not even discussing about other shitty plots of the anime, like the world ending waves of monsters, but now the entire planet is a safe and peaceful place for travelling and trading on a carriage... This episode is horrible, this anime is horrible, the characters are terrible because everything is shallow and forced. You know what just drop this anime and just leave the discussion, if you feel that this series is shallow I don't even care anymore. All I know is I enjoy this anime a lot even it has some flaws. Every anime has flaws, but this one is so inconsistent it's crazy how people can enjoy it still, especially on a thread about an episode filled with filler stuffs and harem fan service. Spear hero granted land and increasing tax to unpayable amounts, challenged shield hero to a race(clearly not happy even with proper reasoning), but then next episode goes through all the trouble to find a seed, break the seal, and plant it to help a SPECIFIC village. Oh and it happens so conveniently again that the shield hero comes to the rescue, on a trip to try and deliver pots, and also so conveniently his shield abilities made it effortless, literally just pour pots onto the floor. Wow.... so much to enjoy about this anime. It's like a surprise because you don't know what other idiotic stories they will come up with next, every episode is filled with so much excitement, just to see more idiots trying to set up the shield hero only for him to bask in all the glory. Edit: Why force people to leave a discussion? Are we only allowed to discuss about animes we give 10/10 ratings? Also you tried to act like you are neutral and said this anime has flaws, but you rated it 10/10 like as if it's flawless. I'm asking him a simple question because I'm curious, I have no intention to ask anyone to join me or to hate this anime, I just can't understand people are hating logic more than the inconsistencies of the anime. You have no counter points so you turn it into some personal thing and throw half insults/sarcastic remarks. Is this allowed here? Are you assuming things again? I'm shoving opinions down people's throat? If that's the case I'm only 2nd to you. Also what do you gotta do with my conversation with another person when you are the one being extremely rude without any reasoning or any value of discussion in your words? Last but not least, are you actually woman/girl shaming? Exactly the reason why I tell you how much I love this anime because I don't want to explain how things will work on this story anymore because I already explaian that to the other guy who has the same problem as this guy, it will be a waste of time if I repeat the same explanation that I did to the other guy. It's up to you bro goodluck. |
Feb 22, 2019 6:06 PM
Cleckeroo said: hystar said: Cleckeroo said: hystar said: ttcchen said: hystar said: i dont give a fuck what you expect. You'll either be proven wrong when that scene airs, or you'll find more flaws to criticize. It doesn't matter to me. Don't reply to me just to complain about what you assume would happen. I get enough emails in a day already.ttcchen said: hystar said: the princess issue will get solved very soonttcchen said: This eps actually disappointed me. Not only did they add in filler material (2nd half) they also made it so harem-like when in the manga Raph and Firo have a better, closer, family-like bond. This world that is supposed to be getting world ending waves of monsters but is now a peaceful and relax place where the hero have so much time on hand to play racehorse, play trademaster, and the princess with all the info now suddenly want to 'aid' a specific hero to become king, only to set up nicely for Naofumi(yet again) to clean up the mess, EASILY because it's somehow his shield is the only good answer to the freaking random plant created by random legends, the best is there's time for some onsen shit, and the 2 girls spending a whole day to buy a freaking hammer. How this anime can get 8.5 ratings is beyond me, the base story and the potential is there for that kind of ratings, but ever since the Princess' agenda against him it's been down hill, this will end up being one of the worst isekais I've ever watched, and not one comes close to this bad. Solved? Then I expect more nonsense. The fact that a hero was granted land and immediately increased tax to crazy amounts for mere villagers, only to go through all that trouble to find a seed, break the seal, plant it to help another village is just f-king dumb. There's absolutely zero consistencies in this anime it's ridiculous. Also most ppl starts liking the anime after the princess issue gets solved because it's super satisfying. Super satisfying? What because an idiot character doing mindless things is now getting the punishment she deserves? Also, I can't assume anything but you can? What is this hypocrisy? And you can reply to my questions/comment but I can't? Why? I'm lost. ttcchen said: hystar said: ok i know this anime has flaws and this episode is shit i agree with you, but no need to rub the flaws and plot holes and how awful this episode is too people's face. It's as if you want to ruin their enjoyment of this anime because you don't like it. "This anime is shit, so no one is allowed to like it" as if that's what you're saying. Just let ppl enjoy this anime in peace. If they enjoy it, then so be it. It has nothing to do with you. Stop pointing out all the flaws as if you're trying to persuade them to join your side and spread negativity in this forum. Just leave @Cleckeroo alone and let him enjoy his show.Cleckeroo said: hystar said: Cleckeroo said: It's not really lazy writing in my opinion because the author gave a deeper explanation for the hate and she/he made an arc prior to that country Btw the false accusation and the hate is all necessary because of how it impacts Naofumi's character, remember Naofumi is not like this before the accusation. It's pointless, if you think this is necessary then I think we can have 100 more episodes of these stupid side stories about how people set him up stupidly just to let him have all the glory in return. It was so easy too this time because his abilities are the perfect(if not only) answer to a random seed created by random legends(there's also no follow up story about it), the chest is also supposed to be sealed, so how does the princess know about this seed? how she knows about this seed but not know it's a bad one? how did she figure out how to break the seal? It's just a shallow side story and the onsen part is just fan service. And I'm not even discussing about other shitty plots of the anime, like the world ending waves of monsters, but now the entire planet is a safe and peaceful place for travelling and trading on a carriage... This episode is horrible, this anime is horrible, the characters are terrible because everything is shallow and forced. You know what just drop this anime and just leave the discussion, if you feel that this series is shallow I don't even care anymore. All I know is I enjoy this anime a lot even it has some flaws. Every anime has flaws, but this one is so inconsistent it's crazy how people can enjoy it still, especially on a thread about an episode filled with filler stuffs and harem fan service. Spear hero granted land and increasing tax to unpayable amounts, challenged shield hero to a race(clearly not happy even with proper reasoning), but then next episode goes through all the trouble to find a seed, break the seal, and plant it to help a SPECIFIC village. Oh and it happens so conveniently again that the shield hero comes to the rescue, on a trip to try and deliver pots, and also so conveniently his shield abilities made it effortless, literally just pour pots onto the floor. Wow.... so much to enjoy about this anime. It's like a surprise because you don't know what other idiotic stories they will come up with next, every episode is filled with so much excitement, just to see more idiots trying to set up the shield hero only for him to bask in all the glory. Edit: Why force people to leave a discussion? Are we only allowed to discuss about animes we give 10/10 ratings? Also you tried to act like you are neutral and said this anime has flaws, but you rated it 10/10 like as if it's flawless. I'm asking him a simple question because I'm curious, I have no intention to ask anyone to join me or to hate this anime, I just can't understand people are hating logic more than the inconsistencies of the anime. You have no counter points so you turn it into some personal thing and throw half insults/sarcastic remarks. Is this allowed here? Simple, I don't give a fck on the bad scenes and appreciate what's good in this series. I can criticize this series because there are many flaws like everyone said, but I choose not to focus on the negative side of the anime and instead I focus on the positive side. Sorry about earlier I ran out of arguments on the other guys because I'm tired and sleepy here I am just woke up in the morning and explaining why I like this show and nothing can change that even a bad episode. Fair enough, if you can ignore every flaw then every anime is a 10/10 for you. If you assume that I give every anime a 10 you're dead wrong. I give this a 10 because I know what's coming and it also balances the light hearted scenes and non light hearted scenes , because of that I gave it a 10. There are good animes that I dropped like HxH Gurren Lagan Attack on titan Shoukugeki no soma, Tokyo Ghoul and Kuroko no basket, those show are just not my cup of tea and I will give the shows 5 (I'm kinda new to MAL so I focused only in my favorite shows for now). Honestly, this is why scores on MAL and similar sites are pointless. I mostly don’t even look at scores any more but read reviews and pay attention to the arguments of the reviewer. You shouldn’t rate a show based on how much you liked it but based on its objective qualities. Its ok to enjoy a mediocre show but that doesn’t make it great. For instance, I like Batman vs Superman but I would never claim it’s a great movie. At best it’s a 6-7, flawed but still entertaining. In the same vain, giving low scores to shows because they are not your cup of tee is bad practice. It’s like me saying Lord of the rings is a terrible book because fantasy is not my thing. For something (book, movie, anime…) to be a masterpiece it needs to have flawless writing; engaging plot that tackles important themes; deep, multifaceted characters; no plot holes; minimal clichés; no tropes; no pandering. You honestly think Shield hero has all this? And basing your scores on future events in the light novel? An anime is separate work from the novels and should be judged on its own merits. |
Feb 22, 2019 6:12 PM
mnedel said: Cleckeroo said: hystar said: Cleckeroo said: hystar said: ttcchen said: hystar said: i dont give a fuck what you expect. You'll either be proven wrong when that scene airs, or you'll find more flaws to criticize. It doesn't matter to me. Don't reply to me just to complain about what you assume would happen. I get enough emails in a day already.ttcchen said: hystar said: the princess issue will get solved very soonttcchen said: This eps actually disappointed me. Not only did they add in filler material (2nd half) they also made it so harem-like when in the manga Raph and Firo have a better, closer, family-like bond. This world that is supposed to be getting world ending waves of monsters but is now a peaceful and relax place where the hero have so much time on hand to play racehorse, play trademaster, and the princess with all the info now suddenly want to 'aid' a specific hero to become king, only to set up nicely for Naofumi(yet again) to clean up the mess, EASILY because it's somehow his shield is the only good answer to the freaking random plant created by random legends, the best is there's time for some onsen shit, and the 2 girls spending a whole day to buy a freaking hammer. How this anime can get 8.5 ratings is beyond me, the base story and the potential is there for that kind of ratings, but ever since the Princess' agenda against him it's been down hill, this will end up being one of the worst isekais I've ever watched, and not one comes close to this bad. Solved? Then I expect more nonsense. The fact that a hero was granted land and immediately increased tax to crazy amounts for mere villagers, only to go through all that trouble to find a seed, break the seal, plant it to help another village is just f-king dumb. There's absolutely zero consistencies in this anime it's ridiculous. Also most ppl starts liking the anime after the princess issue gets solved because it's super satisfying. Super satisfying? What because an idiot character doing mindless things is now getting the punishment she deserves? Also, I can't assume anything but you can? What is this hypocrisy? And you can reply to my questions/comment but I can't? Why? I'm lost. ttcchen said: hystar said: ok i know this anime has flaws and this episode is shit i agree with you, but no need to rub the flaws and plot holes and how awful this episode is too people's face. It's as if you want to ruin their enjoyment of this anime because you don't like it. "This anime is shit, so no one is allowed to like it" as if that's what you're saying. Just let ppl enjoy this anime in peace. If they enjoy it, then so be it. It has nothing to do with you. Stop pointing out all the flaws as if you're trying to persuade them to join your side and spread negativity in this forum. Just leave @Cleckeroo alone and let him enjoy his show.Cleckeroo said: hystar said: Cleckeroo said: It's not really lazy writing in my opinion because the author gave a deeper explanation for the hate and she/he made an arc prior to that country Btw the false accusation and the hate is all necessary because of how it impacts Naofumi's character, remember Naofumi is not like this before the accusation. It's pointless, if you think this is necessary then I think we can have 100 more episodes of these stupid side stories about how people set him up stupidly just to let him have all the glory in return. It was so easy too this time because his abilities are the perfect(if not only) answer to a random seed created by random legends(there's also no follow up story about it), the chest is also supposed to be sealed, so how does the princess know about this seed? how she knows about this seed but not know it's a bad one? how did she figure out how to break the seal? It's just a shallow side story and the onsen part is just fan service. And I'm not even discussing about other shitty plots of the anime, like the world ending waves of monsters, but now the entire planet is a safe and peaceful place for travelling and trading on a carriage... This episode is horrible, this anime is horrible, the characters are terrible because everything is shallow and forced. You know what just drop this anime and just leave the discussion, if you feel that this series is shallow I don't even care anymore. All I know is I enjoy this anime a lot even it has some flaws. Every anime has flaws, but this one is so inconsistent it's crazy how people can enjoy it still, especially on a thread about an episode filled with filler stuffs and harem fan service. Spear hero granted land and increasing tax to unpayable amounts, challenged shield hero to a race(clearly not happy even with proper reasoning), but then next episode goes through all the trouble to find a seed, break the seal, and plant it to help a SPECIFIC village. Oh and it happens so conveniently again that the shield hero comes to the rescue, on a trip to try and deliver pots, and also so conveniently his shield abilities made it effortless, literally just pour pots onto the floor. Wow.... so much to enjoy about this anime. It's like a surprise because you don't know what other idiotic stories they will come up with next, every episode is filled with so much excitement, just to see more idiots trying to set up the shield hero only for him to bask in all the glory. Edit: Why force people to leave a discussion? Are we only allowed to discuss about animes we give 10/10 ratings? Also you tried to act like you are neutral and said this anime has flaws, but you rated it 10/10 like as if it's flawless. I'm asking him a simple question because I'm curious, I have no intention to ask anyone to join me or to hate this anime, I just can't understand people are hating logic more than the inconsistencies of the anime. You have no counter points so you turn it into some personal thing and throw half insults/sarcastic remarks. Is this allowed here? Simple, I don't give a fck on the bad scenes and appreciate what's good in this series. I can criticize this series because there are many flaws like everyone said, but I choose not to focus on the negative side of the anime and instead I focus on the positive side. Sorry about earlier I ran out of arguments on the other guys because I'm tired and sleepy here I am just woke up in the morning and explaining why I like this show and nothing can change that even a bad episode. Fair enough, if you can ignore every flaw then every anime is a 10/10 for you. If you assume that I give every anime a 10 you're dead wrong. I give this a 10 because I know what's coming and it also balances the light hearted scenes and non light hearted scenes , because of that I gave it a 10. There are good animes that I dropped like HxH Gurren Lagan Attack on titan Shoukugeki no soma, Tokyo Ghoul and Kuroko no basket, those show are just not my cup of tea and I will give the shows 5 (I'm kinda new to MAL so I focused only in my favorite shows for now). Honestly, this is why scores on MAL and similar sites are pointless. I mostly don’t even look at scores any more but read reviews and pay attention to the arguments of the reviewer. You shouldn’t rate a show based on how much you liked it but based on its objective qualities. Its ok to enjoy a mediocre show but that doesn’t make it great. For instance, I like Batman vs Superman but I would never claim it’s a great movie. At best it’s a 6-7, flawed but still entertaining. In the same vain, giving low scores to shows because they are not your cup of tee is bad practice. It’s like me saying Lord of the rings is a terrible book because fantasy is not my thing. For something (book, movie, anime…) to be a masterpiece it needs to have flawless writing; engaging plot that tackles important themes; deep, multifaceted characters; no plot holes; minimal clichés; no tropes; no pandering. You honestly think Shield hero has all this? And basing your scores on future events in the light novel? An anime is separate work from the novels and should be judged on its own merits. I do agree, however anime's sole purpose is to being joy to the watchers. Even fif it's bad, has harem, tropes, cliche plot... etc whatever, if its enjoyable and watching it makes my day brighter then I'd say it deserves a high score from me, like hentai animes... 😏 But for me, i only give 9 and 10s to those that not only bring me enjoyment but also had great plot, character, setting...etc. those that i enjoy but are "bad" deserve a 8 at most from me. |
Feb 22, 2019 6:14 PM
mnedel said: Cleckeroo said: hystar said: Cleckeroo said: hystar said: ttcchen said: hystar said: i dont give a fuck what you expect. You'll either be proven wrong when that scene airs, or you'll find more flaws to criticize. It doesn't matter to me. Don't reply to me just to complain about what you assume would happen. I get enough emails in a day already.ttcchen said: hystar said: the princess issue will get solved very soonttcchen said: This eps actually disappointed me. Not only did they add in filler material (2nd half) they also made it so harem-like when in the manga Raph and Firo have a better, closer, family-like bond. This world that is supposed to be getting world ending waves of monsters but is now a peaceful and relax place where the hero have so much time on hand to play racehorse, play trademaster, and the princess with all the info now suddenly want to 'aid' a specific hero to become king, only to set up nicely for Naofumi(yet again) to clean up the mess, EASILY because it's somehow his shield is the only good answer to the freaking random plant created by random legends, the best is there's time for some onsen shit, and the 2 girls spending a whole day to buy a freaking hammer. How this anime can get 8.5 ratings is beyond me, the base story and the potential is there for that kind of ratings, but ever since the Princess' agenda against him it's been down hill, this will end up being one of the worst isekais I've ever watched, and not one comes close to this bad. Solved? Then I expect more nonsense. The fact that a hero was granted land and immediately increased tax to crazy amounts for mere villagers, only to go through all that trouble to find a seed, break the seal, plant it to help another village is just f-king dumb. There's absolutely zero consistencies in this anime it's ridiculous. Also most ppl starts liking the anime after the princess issue gets solved because it's super satisfying. Super satisfying? What because an idiot character doing mindless things is now getting the punishment she deserves? Also, I can't assume anything but you can? What is this hypocrisy? And you can reply to my questions/comment but I can't? Why? I'm lost. ttcchen said: hystar said: ok i know this anime has flaws and this episode is shit i agree with you, but no need to rub the flaws and plot holes and how awful this episode is too people's face. It's as if you want to ruin their enjoyment of this anime because you don't like it. "This anime is shit, so no one is allowed to like it" as if that's what you're saying. Just let ppl enjoy this anime in peace. If they enjoy it, then so be it. It has nothing to do with you. Stop pointing out all the flaws as if you're trying to persuade them to join your side and spread negativity in this forum. Just leave @Cleckeroo alone and let him enjoy his show.Cleckeroo said: hystar said: Cleckeroo said: It's not really lazy writing in my opinion because the author gave a deeper explanation for the hate and she/he made an arc prior to that country Btw the false accusation and the hate is all necessary because of how it impacts Naofumi's character, remember Naofumi is not like this before the accusation. It's pointless, if you think this is necessary then I think we can have 100 more episodes of these stupid side stories about how people set him up stupidly just to let him have all the glory in return. It was so easy too this time because his abilities are the perfect(if not only) answer to a random seed created by random legends(there's also no follow up story about it), the chest is also supposed to be sealed, so how does the princess know about this seed? how she knows about this seed but not know it's a bad one? how did she figure out how to break the seal? It's just a shallow side story and the onsen part is just fan service. And I'm not even discussing about other shitty plots of the anime, like the world ending waves of monsters, but now the entire planet is a safe and peaceful place for travelling and trading on a carriage... This episode is horrible, this anime is horrible, the characters are terrible because everything is shallow and forced. You know what just drop this anime and just leave the discussion, if you feel that this series is shallow I don't even care anymore. All I know is I enjoy this anime a lot even it has some flaws. Every anime has flaws, but this one is so inconsistent it's crazy how people can enjoy it still, especially on a thread about an episode filled with filler stuffs and harem fan service. Spear hero granted land and increasing tax to unpayable amounts, challenged shield hero to a race(clearly not happy even with proper reasoning), but then next episode goes through all the trouble to find a seed, break the seal, and plant it to help a SPECIFIC village. Oh and it happens so conveniently again that the shield hero comes to the rescue, on a trip to try and deliver pots, and also so conveniently his shield abilities made it effortless, literally just pour pots onto the floor. Wow.... so much to enjoy about this anime. It's like a surprise because you don't know what other idiotic stories they will come up with next, every episode is filled with so much excitement, just to see more idiots trying to set up the shield hero only for him to bask in all the glory. Edit: Why force people to leave a discussion? Are we only allowed to discuss about animes we give 10/10 ratings? Also you tried to act like you are neutral and said this anime has flaws, but you rated it 10/10 like as if it's flawless. I'm asking him a simple question because I'm curious, I have no intention to ask anyone to join me or to hate this anime, I just can't understand people are hating logic more than the inconsistencies of the anime. You have no counter points so you turn it into some personal thing and throw half insults/sarcastic remarks. Is this allowed here? Simple, I don't give a fck on the bad scenes and appreciate what's good in this series. I can criticize this series because there are many flaws like everyone said, but I choose not to focus on the negative side of the anime and instead I focus on the positive side. Sorry about earlier I ran out of arguments on the other guys because I'm tired and sleepy here I am just woke up in the morning and explaining why I like this show and nothing can change that even a bad episode. Fair enough, if you can ignore every flaw then every anime is a 10/10 for you. If you assume that I give every anime a 10 you're dead wrong. I give this a 10 because I know what's coming and it also balances the light hearted scenes and non light hearted scenes , because of that I gave it a 10. There are good animes that I dropped like HxH Gurren Lagan Attack on titan Shoukugeki no soma, Tokyo Ghoul and Kuroko no basket, those show are just not my cup of tea and I will give the shows 5 (I'm kinda new to MAL so I focused only in my favorite shows for now). Honestly, this is why scores on MAL and similar sites are pointless. I mostly don’t even look at scores any more but read reviews and pay attention to the arguments of the reviewer. You shouldn’t rate a show based on how much you liked it but based on its objective qualities. Its ok to enjoy a mediocre show but that doesn’t make it great. For instance, I like Batman vs Superman but I would never claim it’s a great movie. At best it’s a 6-7, flawed but still entertaining. In the same vain, giving low scores to shows because they are not your cup of tee is bad practice. It’s like me saying Lord of the rings is a terrible book because fantasy is not my thing. For something (book, movie, anime…) to be a masterpiece it needs to have flawless writing; engaging plot that tackles important themes; deep, multifaceted characters; no plot holes; minimal clichés; no tropes; no pandering. You honestly think Shield hero has all this? And basing your scores on future events in the light novel? An anime is separate work from the novels and should be judged on its own merits. Dont worry man if the anime is faithful to the source material I don't need to change my score, if the anime is completely diversing to the main plot of the source, I will deduct my score from 10 to 7 in MAL. I'm not a critic, I'm only a fan, I don't have those criteria in order to rate the shows that I like and hate. Edited: I'm not (good thing I reread this one it became misleading) saying that those shows that I mentioned are bad, I still acknowledge their quality but it's still not my cup of tea, so I gave them a 5 because I dropped them. if I finished them I will make my score to 8-10 depending on what is impact for me. |
CleckerooFeb 22, 2019 6:28 PM
Feb 22, 2019 6:15 PM
Aniteku said: Ok ic what you mean and your right i apologize but still doesnt change on how people keep using this same complain about the anime with "theres no reason for them to act like this no normal person would behave like they do" they do ALL have a reason princess,king, spear, bow and sword. They will be showed and explained in do time. The plot is not a master piece that true but is still solid and it works my only complaint with the plot is they skip some interesting details from the LN like the 3 other heroes actualy die in real world. Raphtalia got bully by kids when she played with her ball for the first time Thank you. I think the problem is really the most apparent in the first episode, when the setup to the framing scene is crucial. At that point there is really no indication that there is something brewing and it undermines the effectiveness of the scene. As the series moves on that point becomes less important and it isn't as much of an issue. What bothers me the most is that not only do the people in this world hate the shield hero, the other heroes do as well, but for a different reason. It feels like too much of a coincidence that everyone immediately thinks he's garbage. mecegirl said: There are things that should be kept secret at this point in the plot and things that shouldn't. I think more time with the other three heroes is warranted. They seemed to view Naofumi as a joke from the start but their willingness to just believe that he's a rapist is a bit much. Without a bit more time in their heads it feels arbitrary when it really doesn't need to. But that I think is part of why people keep saying that there is no reason for them to act the way that they do. It is because we haven't been giveing a reason why they behave the way that they do. This exactly. Even if a character believes something that is completely wrong, the audience still needs to either a) understand why they have that belief, or b) feel that it is a reasonable belief to have in the context of the story. I'll briefly break down the framing scene in the first episode. There are two things here that did not work. One was how thick the Bow and Sword heroes laid it on with chastising Naofumi for even trying to defend himself. You would think that they would at least remain neutral; instead they just absolutely shit on him. But the moment when the scene completely lost me was when they pulled out Myne's nightdress and everyone acted like that was incontrovertible proof of the crime. That part was borderline satire. |
Feb 22, 2019 6:20 PM
Killuan said: Daily reminder that an anime's average score is determined by its entertainment value because the average anime fan isn't a gd critic looking to nitpick at every detail. Seriously guys, you have to have better things to do than debate endlessly about something that will never reach a conclusion. I dunno. It's weird. I have seen some pretty enjoyable shows that aren't rated that high; and that's fine. But I feel like the same things that get nitpicked in those kinds of shows are being ignored with this show. I guess the writer of this series really stumbled on the magic formula that gets the anime fans juices flowing, even if the writing is sub-par. Maybe he actually has the shield in the story that can apparently do anything and everything? |
Feb 22, 2019 6:39 PM
hystar said: ttcchen said: hystar said: ttcchen said: hystar said: ttcchen said: hystar said: i dont give a fuck what you expect. You'll either be proven wrong when that scene airs, or you'll find more flaws to criticize. It doesn't matter to me. Don't reply to me just to complain about what you assume would happen. I get enough emails in a day already.ttcchen said: hystar said: the princess issue will get solved very soonttcchen said: This eps actually disappointed me. Not only did they add in filler material (2nd half) they also made it so harem-like when in the manga Raph and Firo have a better, closer, family-like bond. This world that is supposed to be getting world ending waves of monsters but is now a peaceful and relax place where the hero have so much time on hand to play racehorse, play trademaster, and the princess with all the info now suddenly want to 'aid' a specific hero to become king, only to set up nicely for Naofumi(yet again) to clean up the mess, EASILY because it's somehow his shield is the only good answer to the freaking random plant created by random legends, the best is there's time for some onsen shit, and the 2 girls spending a whole day to buy a freaking hammer. How this anime can get 8.5 ratings is beyond me, the base story and the potential is there for that kind of ratings, but ever since the Princess' agenda against him it's been down hill, this will end up being one of the worst isekais I've ever watched, and not one comes close to this bad. Solved? Then I expect more nonsense. The fact that a hero was granted land and immediately increased tax to crazy amounts for mere villagers, only to go through all that trouble to find a seed, break the seal, plant it to help another village is just f-king dumb. There's absolutely zero consistencies in this anime it's ridiculous. Also most ppl starts liking the anime after the princess issue gets solved because it's super satisfying. Super satisfying? What because an idiot character doing mindless things is now getting the punishment she deserves? Also, I can't assume anything but you can? What is this hypocrisy? And you can reply to my questions/comment but I can't? Why? I'm lost. If u want to know why it's satisfying then keep watching. Stop making fun of what you assume would happen in a discussion thread. And would you do everything ppl on the internet tells you to do? No? There's your answer then. hystar said: that person clearly doesn't want to talk to you anymore so stop chasing after him like some obsessed fangirl. Stop shoving your opinions down their throat. It's aggravatingttcchen said: hystar said: ok i know this anime has flaws and this episode is shit i agree with you, but no need to rub the flaws and plot holes and how awful this episode is too people's face. It's as if you want to ruin their enjoyment of this anime because you don't like it. "This anime is shit, so no one is allowed to like it" as if that's what you're saying. Just let ppl enjoy this anime in peace. If they enjoy it, then so be it. It has nothing to do with you. Stop pointing out all the flaws as if you're trying to persuade them to join your side and spread negativity in this forum. Just leave @Cleckeroo alone and let him enjoy his show.Cleckeroo said: hystar said: Cleckeroo said: It's not really lazy writing in my opinion because the author gave a deeper explanation for the hate and she/he made an arc prior to that country Btw the false accusation and the hate is all necessary because of how it impacts Naofumi's character, remember Naofumi is not like this before the accusation. It's pointless, if you think this is necessary then I think we can have 100 more episodes of these stupid side stories about how people set him up stupidly just to let him have all the glory in return. It was so easy too this time because his abilities are the perfect(if not only) answer to a random seed created by random legends(there's also no follow up story about it), the chest is also supposed to be sealed, so how does the princess know about this seed? how she knows about this seed but not know it's a bad one? how did she figure out how to break the seal? It's just a shallow side story and the onsen part is just fan service. And I'm not even discussing about other shitty plots of the anime, like the world ending waves of monsters, but now the entire planet is a safe and peaceful place for travelling and trading on a carriage... This episode is horrible, this anime is horrible, the characters are terrible because everything is shallow and forced. You know what just drop this anime and just leave the discussion, if you feel that this series is shallow I don't even care anymore. All I know is I enjoy this anime a lot even it has some flaws. Every anime has flaws, but this one is so inconsistent it's crazy how people can enjoy it still, especially on a thread about an episode filled with filler stuffs and harem fan service. Spear hero granted land and increasing tax to unpayable amounts, challenged shield hero to a race(clearly not happy even with proper reasoning), but then next episode goes through all the trouble to find a seed, break the seal, and plant it to help a SPECIFIC village. Oh and it happens so conveniently again that the shield hero comes to the rescue, on a trip to try and deliver pots, and also so conveniently his shield abilities made it effortless, literally just pour pots onto the floor. Wow.... so much to enjoy about this anime. It's like a surprise because you don't know what other idiotic stories they will come up with next, every episode is filled with so much excitement, just to see more idiots trying to set up the shield hero only for him to bask in all the glory. Edit: Why force people to leave a discussion? Are we only allowed to discuss about animes we give 10/10 ratings? Also you tried to act like you are neutral and said this anime has flaws, but you rated it 10/10 like as if it's flawless. I'm asking him a simple question because I'm curious, I have no intention to ask anyone to join me or to hate this anime, I just can't understand people are hating logic more than the inconsistencies of the anime. You have no counter points so you turn it into some personal thing and throw half insults/sarcastic remarks. Is this allowed here? Are you assuming things again? I'm shoving opinions down people's throat? If that's the case I'm only 2nd to you. Also what do you gotta do with my conversation with another person when you are the one being extremely rude without any reasoning or any value of discussion in your words? Last but not least, are you actually woman/girl shaming? Well you assumed wrong again, when I said that I'm referring to you saying "most ppl starts liking the anime after the princess issue gets solved because it's super satisfying." Also my conversation with @Cleckeroo has nothing to do with you, your sarcasm is not only toxic but digressing the whole discussion, which means you are probably the least productive type on a forum. You also said you don't give a f what I think but you still replied. And the more you replied the longer your replies are, and @Cleckeroo also explained being sleepy made her expressed herself wrongly. Which means you were wrong yet again. Read her comment above. She's sick of you. Ask any manga readers about the satisfying thing and you'll get your answer. Least productive? Let me remind you a forum is for discussion purposes, not to force ppl to read your toxic, negative criticisms. Everyone knows this episode isn't the greatest, but @Cleckeroo still enjoys. Why ruin her fun? Let she enjoy her anime. If it has nothing to do with me, then why didn't you ignore me but instead replied back to me dragging me into you guys' issue? "And the more you replied the longer your replies are" Why? Does reading hurt your brain? Ran out of brain cells to comprehend words? |
Feb 22, 2019 6:48 PM
Definitely the most disappointing episode so far. I really am not digging the harem signs popping up, especially when tainting the potential for a warm family bond between Filo and Raphtalia rarely seen in shows such like this. I hear the 'filler' wasn't filler and actually in the original light novel, and I can get an idea as to why the manga didn't adapt it. |
Feb 22, 2019 6:49 PM
hystar said: ttcchen said: hystar said: ttcchen said: hystar said: ttcchen said: hystar said: i dont give a fuck what you expect. You'll either be proven wrong when that scene airs, or you'll find more flaws to criticize. It doesn't matter to me. Don't reply to me just to complain about what you assume would happen. I get enough emails in a day already.ttcchen said: hystar said: the princess issue will get solved very soonttcchen said: This eps actually disappointed me. Not only did they add in filler material (2nd half) they also made it so harem-like when in the manga Raph and Firo have a better, closer, family-like bond. This world that is supposed to be getting world ending waves of monsters but is now a peaceful and relax place where the hero have so much time on hand to play racehorse, play trademaster, and the princess with all the info now suddenly want to 'aid' a specific hero to become king, only to set up nicely for Naofumi(yet again) to clean up the mess, EASILY because it's somehow his shield is the only good answer to the freaking random plant created by random legends, the best is there's time for some onsen shit, and the 2 girls spending a whole day to buy a freaking hammer. How this anime can get 8.5 ratings is beyond me, the base story and the potential is there for that kind of ratings, but ever since the Princess' agenda against him it's been down hill, this will end up being one of the worst isekais I've ever watched, and not one comes close to this bad. Solved? Then I expect more nonsense. The fact that a hero was granted land and immediately increased tax to crazy amounts for mere villagers, only to go through all that trouble to find a seed, break the seal, plant it to help another village is just f-king dumb. There's absolutely zero consistencies in this anime it's ridiculous. Also most ppl starts liking the anime after the princess issue gets solved because it's super satisfying. Super satisfying? What because an idiot character doing mindless things is now getting the punishment she deserves? Also, I can't assume anything but you can? What is this hypocrisy? And you can reply to my questions/comment but I can't? Why? I'm lost. If u want to know why it's satisfying then keep watching. Stop making fun of what you assume would happen in a discussion thread. And would you do everything ppl on the internet tells you to do? No? There's your answer then. hystar said: that person clearly doesn't want to talk to you anymore so stop chasing after him like some obsessed fangirl. Stop shoving your opinions down their throat. It's aggravatingttcchen said: hystar said: ok i know this anime has flaws and this episode is shit i agree with you, but no need to rub the flaws and plot holes and how awful this episode is too people's face. It's as if you want to ruin their enjoyment of this anime because you don't like it. "This anime is shit, so no one is allowed to like it" as if that's what you're saying. Just let ppl enjoy this anime in peace. If they enjoy it, then so be it. It has nothing to do with you. Stop pointing out all the flaws as if you're trying to persuade them to join your side and spread negativity in this forum. Just leave @Cleckeroo alone and let him enjoy his show.Cleckeroo said: hystar said: Cleckeroo said: It's not really lazy writing in my opinion because the author gave a deeper explanation for the hate and she/he made an arc prior to that country Btw the false accusation and the hate is all necessary because of how it impacts Naofumi's character, remember Naofumi is not like this before the accusation. It's pointless, if you think this is necessary then I think we can have 100 more episodes of these stupid side stories about how people set him up stupidly just to let him have all the glory in return. It was so easy too this time because his abilities are the perfect(if not only) answer to a random seed created by random legends(there's also no follow up story about it), the chest is also supposed to be sealed, so how does the princess know about this seed? how she knows about this seed but not know it's a bad one? how did she figure out how to break the seal? It's just a shallow side story and the onsen part is just fan service. And I'm not even discussing about other shitty plots of the anime, like the world ending waves of monsters, but now the entire planet is a safe and peaceful place for travelling and trading on a carriage... This episode is horrible, this anime is horrible, the characters are terrible because everything is shallow and forced. You know what just drop this anime and just leave the discussion, if you feel that this series is shallow I don't even care anymore. All I know is I enjoy this anime a lot even it has some flaws. Every anime has flaws, but this one is so inconsistent it's crazy how people can enjoy it still, especially on a thread about an episode filled with filler stuffs and harem fan service. Spear hero granted land and increasing tax to unpayable amounts, challenged shield hero to a race(clearly not happy even with proper reasoning), but then next episode goes through all the trouble to find a seed, break the seal, and plant it to help a SPECIFIC village. Oh and it happens so conveniently again that the shield hero comes to the rescue, on a trip to try and deliver pots, and also so conveniently his shield abilities made it effortless, literally just pour pots onto the floor. Wow.... so much to enjoy about this anime. It's like a surprise because you don't know what other idiotic stories they will come up with next, every episode is filled with so much excitement, just to see more idiots trying to set up the shield hero only for him to bask in all the glory. Edit: Why force people to leave a discussion? Are we only allowed to discuss about animes we give 10/10 ratings? Also you tried to act like you are neutral and said this anime has flaws, but you rated it 10/10 like as if it's flawless. I'm asking him a simple question because I'm curious, I have no intention to ask anyone to join me or to hate this anime, I just can't understand people are hating logic more than the inconsistencies of the anime. You have no counter points so you turn it into some personal thing and throw half insults/sarcastic remarks. Is this allowed here? Are you assuming things again? I'm shoving opinions down people's throat? If that's the case I'm only 2nd to you. Also what do you gotta do with my conversation with another person when you are the one being extremely rude without any reasoning or any value of discussion in your words? Last but not least, are you actually woman/girl shaming? Well you assumed wrong again, when I said that I'm referring to you saying "most ppl starts liking the anime after the princess issue gets solved because it's super satisfying." Also my conversation with @Cleckeroo has nothing to do with you, your sarcasm is not only toxic but digressing the whole discussion, which means you are probably the least productive type on a forum. You also said you don't give a f what I think but you still replied. And the more you replied the longer your replies are, and @Cleckeroo also explained being sleepy made her expressed herself wrongly. Which means you were wrong yet again. Yes I'm really sleepy that time but this time I really don't care what you think about the anime or series itself. I just don't want to repeat the whole process of explaining why this or why that happened again and again. Even if I explain it thoroughly there is a point that I will touch spoilers and the other guy gave me an advice not to spoil in my arguments which I think it's not good. |
Feb 22, 2019 8:13 PM
Feb 22, 2019 11:00 PM
Ryuutobi said: veridiancity said: Yes, you're wrong. Naofumi is otaku but not NEET.Whereas Naofumi up to being summoned was just a normal NEET who reads LN and leeches off his parents money (I think, could be wrong here) The rest you've quoted the wrong person so I'll skip those. NEET = Not in Employment, Education, nor Training In sort, unemployed person. 1. Naofumi is an active university student as mentioned in the first episode, so he is in education. 2. The anime didn't mention it but he doesn't leech off his parents either. The parents pay for his college fee of course, but he actually buys his otaku goods using the money he gets from working part time at a restaurant near his campus. Thus, he is also in employment. 1. Granted. 2. Actually he didn't had to work in the anime, he was living off allowance. I concede that he isn't a NEET but it doesn't change my point that he was just a nerd before the isekai event and likely never had to go through hardship. I'm just going off the anime here as this is the anime discussion board. I also have limited to no knowledge with the manga/LN VeryLTTP said: I enjoyed Episodes 5 and 6. I thought those ones were executed decently albeit with some changes I wasn't a big fan of and some left out details. This episode was 'okay'. Raph and Filo did have some quality time together which wasn't really portrayed in the manga. However, I wasn't too thrilled with Filo's "mate" comment unless that was a mistranslation. PumpkinSpicePie said: Definitely the most disappointing episode so far. I really am not digging the harem signs popping up, especially when tainting the potential for a warm family bond between Filo and Raphtalia rarely seen in shows such like this. I hear the 'filler' wasn't filler and actually in the original light novel, and I can get an idea as to why the manga didn't adapt it. I've never gotten any harem sign so far. What Filo said was 番い (Tsugai), while it can be translated as a mate, it's also used to refer to a pair (e.g a pair of chopsticks). It has zero sexual connotation in it and the point of that scene was to highlight the difference between Filo child-like mentality and Raphtalia budding teenager-ish mentality. There were plenty of clues that showed that Filo wasn't interested in Naofumi in the romantic sense. Such as when Filo was swimming in the male bath, she had 0 self-consciousness with regards to sexuality, this scene was purposefully done to show that Filo is still just a child mentally/physically. It's like a 5 years old saying she wants to marry her dad, i mean do you seriously think this child said that with a romantic/sexual intent? |
veridiancityFeb 22, 2019 11:25 PM
Feb 23, 2019 1:18 AM
papsoshea said: ludonarrative dissonance Wow, I learned a new term. |
Feb 23, 2019 1:54 AM
Not a great episode. The plant stuff might be setup for later but it wasn’t very interesting. He just pours fluid on the ground and the thing dies. The fanservice is really tame. I won’t go into detail but let’s just say it’s not animated enough. I’m not really interested in watching this will they won’t they bullshit. I think I would’ve loved this episode if I was like 15 |
Feb 23, 2019 1:56 AM
papsoshea said: They claimed that the main protagonist is hated by everyone when in fact, we only get that feel from the first episode and then it's basically just the royalty of that world - it's there and it's gone, before 7 episodes in, everyone adores this guy. The fanboys gave off this impression that this would last a lot longer than what it has. The reaction from the peasants to the nobles towards Naofumi seems coherent so far. The hate and libel were perpetrated by the nobles so it stands to reason that the hate are concentrated within the royalty circle. The commoners had no ill-will against Naofumi until the purported rape accusation but through Naofumi own action (and by extension the other heroes inaction) he won over the gratitude of the commoners. papsoshea said: They claimed that Naofumi isn't the only "chosen one" of the story, there are 3 others with Naofumi being the least capable, but 7 episodes in and seems to be the most capable while (example) the spear hero is incompetent. Most of their decisions are considered bad and Naofumi has the high moral ground by default. No argument there, this too is my biggest pet peeve with the show. papsoshea said: They claimed that there is no pandering fanservice like in other Isekai - like the classic sleazy tentacle monster plants that are violating cute girls who are trying to hide their panties (SAO). But what did we see in this episode? Cutesy-pie Raphtalia being violated by a sleazy tentacle monster plant where she is trying to hide her panties "KYAAAAAAAAA!" What fan service? Her pantsu wasn't even shown. The "tentacle" monster didn't do anything lewd to her, Raphtalia was only trying to cover up in an attempt of modesty. Compare that to this Now THAT is unnecessary fan service. papsoshea said: They claimed that this series doesn't have the main protagonist who is OP and can walk through attacks without being damaged. But what did we see in this episode? We literally see Naofumi do a Kirito in this episode. Yeah its convenient but not entirely unbelievable. Naofumi has been crafting potions through his journey, it stands to reason that said proficiency in the craft has manages to let him use potion enhance on a herbicide? NOW if he had dropped a potion on the final villian of the series with the same result then we can talk about it. papsoshea said: They claimed that this series doesn't have a self-insert main protagonist who is constantly praised for what he is doing, so the audience can feel nice when they self-insert as him, but what did we see in this episode and along with the previous ones? Naofumi is constantly praised (and is constantly referred to as Naofumi-sama like a broken record) for everything he is doing so that the audience can feel nice when they self-insert as him. I don't self-insert, no comments. Whether the general audience self-inserts or not is their prerogative. Praise wise, i only see it when he does good deeds, its not even excessive. Honorific wise, he is still the shield hero and that's just how the commoner address him (as a savior). With Raphtalia and Filo, aside from having the master slave relationship going, it also wouldn't have been right for them to address Naofumi as an equal, at this time of the show. papsoshea said: They claimed that this series doesn't have the main protagonist being given an OP weapon in which he can defeat anything or fix anything, but rather a shield that he can't even use for attacks. But what did we see in this episode and in previous ones? Naofumi has an OP weapon in which he has managed to defeat everything thus far, used it for attacks and can seemingly fix anything. Through his own ingenuity. He had to rely on Raphtalia or Filo for a good amount of fights, it just so happens that he has the convenient solution to the plant situation. papsoshea said: They claimed that this series isn't like other Isekai where waifu's are constantly fighting on who gets to be with the main protagonist/his attention. But what did we see in this episode, along with the last episode? Waifus constantly fighting on who gets Naofumi. You're right that they're competing for Naofumi's attention but they both have different reasons for it. papsoshea said: They claimed that this series is far from the Light Novels by having a cynical anti-social who never responds to the waifu's who are fighting for him. But just like Goblin Slayer, Naofumi is a cynical anti-social who never responds to the waifu's who want to be with him. What..? He cares for them like a father would his child. papsoshea said: They claimed that this series is far from the Light Novels by NOT having naked furry waifu's for cheap fanservice, ZERO PANDERING they said. But what did we see in this episode? Naked furry waifu's for cheap fanservice, MUCH PANDERING! Yeah I agree, one just doesn't soak naked in onsen! That's not how onsen works! papsoshea said: They claimed that this series is different from most Isekai and Light Novels because it never resorts to bad erotic comedy for basement dwellers. But what did we see in this episode? A busty, furry waifu who has the appearance of a mature young woman but is mentally a child being the example of the shows bad erotic comedy for basement dwellers, and I quote, "We can't k-k-kiss! I'll get pregnant!" - a marvelous follow up from the previous episodes joke from the Blacksmith who did a "Big dick" joke to Filo who is a minor![/spoiler] Precisely because she is still mentally immature that she thinks kissing will get her pregnant, it's just a small comedy skit but hey, whaddaya know. Big dick joke? Wow. Now you're just desperately reaching. papsoshea said: Stock characters, an abundance of cliches, otaku pandering, cheap shock value, one-dimensional villains, revenge porn, OP MC, MC always has the high moral ground, self-insert MC etc. Same shit. It’s a modern isekai, if you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all. The harem crap is far from this shows problems, the writing is cringe-inducing and the show is filled with ludonarrative dissonance. Ok. |
Feb 23, 2019 3:37 AM
papsoshea said: 1. I just rewatched episode 1-5 the other day, the anime clearly states that the Shield Hero is disliked by all before he even got there. This is the stigma of the Shield Hero. But this barely lasts a few episodes, that feeling of him vs the world evaporates by episode 4 and the royalty are just one-dimensional villains. The point of me mentioning this is because of the Shieldtards (you know, the extreme defenders who mostly like the show because SJW's were attacking it, and liking something the SJW hate makes them a crusader etc) making it out as if this is the main characters internal struggle throughout the series. All we have seen so far is that he is the glorious and holy savior of all. 2. Check. 3. Raphtalia was keeping her skirt from showing a.k.a hiding her panties. I didn't even say anything about them being shown. That was fanservice and otaku pandering. If you disagree, well then I don't know what to say either than agree to disagree. 4. It's not about being understandable. This is about the claims of him NOT being OP when he clearly is. The Shield's power is busted, and due to it, he literally did a Kirito in this episode by walking through attacks. 5. It's been excessive since episode 4. Naofumi is written as a self-insert. 6. It just so happens, he conveniently has the solution for many situations. I mean forget about his Shield power, everything is convenient. Just like how Naofumi conveniently picked the best egg out of the 'lootbox' from that trader dude. That egg just happened to hatch a one in a million, the queen of her kind - Filo. 7. We know the story reason, and then we know the generic garbage trope reason. 8. Read again, he never responds to their advances or is oblivious to those advances. Just like Goblin Slayer fans mentioned that because of this, there is no harem, no harem tropes, no self-insert etc. when that is BS. 9. Check. 10. veridiancity said: The 'joke' was the Blacksmith (a lolicon) offering a sandwich to Filo and saying, "How big of a bite could she possibly take?" then you have his facial expression and the big sandwich, get it? *rolls eyes* There is no reaching here.Big dick joke? Wow. Now you're just desperately reaching. 2 and 9 were the only times you responded correctly. The rest, you're forgetting that the claims - they said there was none of that stuff, but those statements slowly evaporated by the episode, and almost all of those things happened in episode 7. Anyway, I can tell where this show is going. It's a lost cause and I am going to accept that and that it's not going to get any better from here on out. So thanks to this episode, I can now watch it for what it is. 1. The commoners didn't hated him before. It was only after the rape accusation that they started treating him like a criminal. Unless you're drawing that conclusion from the party choosing part at the beginning? 3-7 can be summed up to your opinion which i'll not attempt to change 8. There is no harem nor any harem trope here. Please read up on what harem trope constitute, thanks. 10. The joke was that the blacksmith wasn't aware that Filo was a big bird but instead you choose to interpret it as a sexual scene, that already speaks volume about how your mind works. |
Feb 23, 2019 5:18 AM
I like how the Japanese can destroy such a cute concept of family with his stupid retrograde mentality |
Feb 23, 2019 5:25 AM
Killuan said: BlackLatias said: is it possoble the translation was off for the mate part? That does seem strange...I don't really understand some of the changes they made from the source in this ep. Filo never mentioned in the LN that Naofumi should be her mate in the future, she only wanted him to praise her, nothing more. The anime makes it hard for me to say that it is not a harem, if it really makes it seem like one. In the LN Filo doesn't think of Naofumi that way, why did they do this here? Really, why? Overall I liked the episode and I suppose the next one might end on a cliffhanger. But anyway, it's nice to see that the ep didn't go the way it was pictured in the LN, because that would have been another issue altogether. And Rapthalia was absolutely adorable this episode, I just love this girl so much, seriously :D Can't wait until next week though. I really hope it will be an awesome episode, it should be at least. Nope. CR subs are perfect. and she followed it with: Boring episode btw. I couldn't even finish it (stopped watching at 18 min mark). 1/5 |
Feb 23, 2019 5:32 AM
papsoshea said: veridiancity said: 1. The first episodes explain that there has always been a stigma on the Shield Hero, did you missed that part? This is before he entered this world, Naofumi is the one and only Shield Hero, they come and go and he's just one of them. papsoshea said: 1. I just rewatched episode 1-5 the other day, the anime clearly states that the Shield Hero is disliked by all before he even got there. This is the stigma of the Shield Hero. But this barely lasts a few episodes, that feeling of him vs the world evaporates by episode 4 and the royalty are just one-dimensional villains. The point of me mentioning this is because of the Shieldtards (you know, the extreme defenders who mostly like the show because SJW's were attacking it, and liking something the SJW hate makes them a crusader etc) making it out as if this is the main characters internal struggle throughout the series. All we have seen so far is that he is the glorious and holy savior of all. 2. Check. 3. Raphtalia was keeping her skirt from showing a.k.a hiding her panties. I didn't even say anything about them being shown. That was fanservice and otaku pandering. If you disagree, well then I don't know what to say either than agree to disagree. 4. It's not about being understandable. This is about the claims of him NOT being OP when he clearly is. The Shield's power is busted, and due to it, he literally did a Kirito in this episode by walking through attacks. 5. It's been excessive since episode 4. Naofumi is written as a self-insert. 6. It just so happens, he conveniently has the solution for many situations. I mean forget about his Shield power, everything is convenient. Just like how Naofumi conveniently picked the best egg out of the 'lootbox' from that trader dude. That egg just happened to hatch a one in a million, the queen of her kind - Filo. 7. We know the story reason, and then we know the generic garbage trope reason. 8. Read again, he never responds to their advances or is oblivious to those advances. Just like Goblin Slayer fans mentioned that because of this, there is no harem, no harem tropes, no self-insert etc. when that is BS. 9. Check. 10. veridiancity said: The 'joke' was the Blacksmith (a lolicon) offering a sandwich to Filo and saying, "How big of a bite could she possibly take?" then you have his facial expression and the big sandwich, get it? *rolls eyes* There is no reaching here.Big dick joke? Wow. Now you're just desperately reaching. 2 and 9 were the only times you responded correctly. The rest, you're forgetting that the claims - they said there was none of that stuff, but those statements slowly evaporated by the episode, and almost all of those things happened in episode 7. Anyway, I can tell where this show is going. It's a lost cause and I am going to accept that and that it's not going to get any better from here on out. So thanks to this episode, I can now watch it for what it is. 1. The commoners didn't hated him before. It was only after the rape accusation that they started treating him like a criminal. Unless you're drawing that conclusion from the party choosing part at the beginning? 3-7 can be summed up to your opinion which i'll not attempt to change 8. There is no harem nor any harem trope here. Please read up on what harem trope constitute, thanks. 10. The joke was that the blacksmith wasn't aware that Filo was a big bird but instead you choose to interpret it as a sexual scene, that already speaks volume about how your mind works. 3-7. You wish, these were the claims made by the Shieldtards, but they happened already in this show. Whether you think it's a non-issue or a valid critique is beside the point (I made that clear). They said that X is not in the show, but X is in the show. Hello? 8. There are harem tropes alright and episode 7 was a shining example, even that VeryLTTP said it. Raphtalia and Filo fighting for Naofumi's affection and attention is harem 101, you're the one that needs to read up. Btw, you should know that this series eventually turns into a harem, I checked the source. 10. Filo turning into a big bird was the punch. You're totally dismissing the actual words in the joke, the fact that he is a self-admitted lolicon, the style of the sandwich and his facial expressions. That was a big dick joke, on a minor. This isn't debatable. 1. What was the point of the king saying "news of your crime are spreading, you'll never lead a good life in the city" as if implying he would of had a good life otherwise? 3-7. So what if they're claims made by the fans of the show? Are you actually so naive that you go around believing every claim made (by fans nonetheless) then get butthurt after you find out reality is not verbatim to their claims? You said X is in the show, I honestly do not see it, that's a difference in opinion and I can accept that., hence I'll not attempt to challenge these. 8. Then I suppose it comes down to a difference in how we perceive Harem trope. A harem to me has to have at least 3 girls that are actively attempting to romance the MC. There is only 1 so far in Raphtalia. Otherwise good to know that you cared enough to actually check the source but I'm here to discuss the anime version and would appreciate no spoilers. Although, i'll have to admit it was laughable how you had attempted to use something that happens in the future to debate the current events. 10. What the heck? Please point out the scene that has the weapon shop owner admitting to being a lolicon. Non-debatable? Hilarious, you're likely the only one who see this scene as anything even remotely suggestive. |
veridiancityFeb 23, 2019 6:38 AM
Feb 23, 2019 5:47 AM
ttcchen said: hystar said: ttcchen said: hystar said: the princess issue will get solved very soonttcchen said: This eps actually disappointed me. Not only did they add in filler material (2nd half) they also made it so harem-like when in the manga Raph and Firo have a better, closer, family-like bond. This world that is supposed to be getting world ending waves of monsters but is now a peaceful and relax place where the hero have so much time on hand to play racehorse, play trademaster, and the princess with all the info now suddenly want to 'aid' a specific hero to become king, only to set up nicely for Naofumi(yet again) to clean up the mess, EASILY because it's somehow his shield is the only good answer to the freaking random plant created by random legends, the best is there's time for some onsen shit, and the 2 girls spending a whole day to buy a freaking hammer. How this anime can get 8.5 ratings is beyond me, the base story and the potential is there for that kind of ratings, but ever since the Princess' agenda against him it's been down hill, this will end up being one of the worst isekais I've ever watched, and not one comes close to this bad. Solved? Then I expect more nonsense. The fact that a hero was granted land and immediately increased tax to crazy amounts for mere villagers, only to go through all that trouble to find a seed, break the seal, plant it to help another village is just f-king dumb. There's absolutely zero consistencies in this anime it's ridiculous. Also most ppl starts liking the anime after the princess issue gets solved because it's super satisfying. it's a cheap manipulative tactic where he demonizes a character to enhance the others characters are better in comparison because if it were not so no one would feel any kind affection for the bored protagonist whose development is artificial and forced |
Feb 23, 2019 6:42 AM
Kamiyan3991 said: Killuan said: BlackLatias said: I don't really understand some of the changes they made from the source in this ep. Filo never mentioned in the LN that Naofumi should be her mate in the future, she only wanted him to praise her, nothing more. The anime makes it hard for me to say that it is not a harem, if it really makes it seem like one. In the LN Filo doesn't think of Naofumi that way, why did they do this here? Really, why? Overall I liked the episode and I suppose the next one might end on a cliffhanger. But anyway, it's nice to see that the ep didn't go the way it was pictured in the LN, because that would have been another issue altogether. And Rapthalia was absolutely adorable this episode, I just love this girl so much, seriously :D Can't wait until next week though. I really hope it will be an awesome episode, it should be at least. Nope. CR subs are perfect. and she followed it with: Boring episode btw. I couldn't even finish it (stopped watching at 18 min mark). 1/5 I studied some Japanese, let me try to shed some light. Filo uses Tsugai in a non sexual/romantic context. Raphtalia was the one who interpreted it differently. The scene was done to show the difference in mentality between them both. You can also tell the difference from their tone and expressions. Japanese is a highly contextual based language so I understand if that confuses some viewers. |
Feb 23, 2019 7:32 AM
Another perfect episode! Raphtalia & Filo really wants to win the affection for Naofumi-sama! 5/5. |
Feb 23, 2019 7:37 AM
Me: oh cute, the blacksmith want to share his food with the little girl. This thread: Oh shit, the blacksmith is a fucking pedophile. WTF? |
Feb 23, 2019 9:52 AM
veridiancity said: I've never gotten any harem sign so far. What Filo said was 番い (Tsugai), while it can be translated as a mate, it's also used to refer to a pair (e.g a pair of chopsticks). It has zero sexual connotation in it and the point of that scene was to highlight the difference between Filo child-like mentality and Raphtalia budding teenager-ish mentality. Thanks for clearing that up. So it's the case of a word having different meanings. papsoshea said: *rolls eyes* What a completely well thought out counterargument /s They claimed that the main protagonist is hated by everyone when in fact, we only get that feel from the first episode and then it's basically just the royalty of that world - it's there and it's gone, before 7 episodes in, everyone adores this guy. The fanboys gave off this impression that this would last a lot longer than what it has. Who is "they"? I don't see how "it's there and it's gone". Ren and Itsuki looked at Naofumi as scum, but defended him when the king tried to cheat Naofumi out of his wave reward money. However, the sword and bow heroes aren't buddy-buddy with Naofumi either. They just defended him because what the king was doing was outright wrong. Now, if those three all of a sudden became friends, then yes, that would count as "it's there and it's gone". When it comes to the commoners, we saw that in Episode 7 when Naofumi transformed his shield, one of them was like "Wait, that shield. Could it be?" in an apprehensive tone because he thought the Saviour and the Shield Hero were different people. As a result, I don't see this "it's there and gone" issue with the commoners either. They claimed that Naofumi isn't the only "chosen one" of the story, there are 3 others with Naofumi being the least capable, but 7 episodes in and seems to be the most capable while (example) the spear hero is incompetent. Most of their decisions are considered bad and Naofumi has the high moral ground by default. And there are explanations verbal and non-verbal later on as to why the other heroes are incompetent: it's because they keep seeing and treating the world as the game they played in their Japans. For instance, the other 3 heroes treat the world as a game whereas as established in Episode 2, Naofumi sees the world as real. During the 3rd wave (the heroes' 2nd wave), Naofumi berated Itsuki for treating the world as a game. Following up to the Carmira Isle, the other 3 heroes were arguing over whether weapons get stronger by rarity, experience, or refinement. Naofumi discovered that all 3 systems could work together. The reason why they seemed to be incompatible was because the 3 heroes were adamant that the world works on the mechanics of their universe's RPG. They claimed that there is no pandering fanservice like in other Isekai - like the classic sleazy tentacle monster plants that are violating cute girls who are trying to hide their panties (SAO). But what did we see in this episode? Cutesy-pie Raphtalia being violated by a sleazy tentacle monster plant where she is trying to hide her panties "KYAAAAAAAAA!" I wasn't a fan of that either, so we agree here. They claimed that this series doesn't have the main protagonist who is OP and can walk through attacks without being damaged. But what did we see in this episode? We literally see Naofumi do a Kirito in this episode. I mean, the Shield Hero's defining characteristic is immense defense, so I don't see why you're acting all surprised as he's not getting damaged... And this particular enemy's weakness is herbicide. It's just that the plant had massive regenerative abilities and Naofumi overcame that with his wit by enhancing his herbicide's abilities. That solution is only applicable to plant-based monsters, so I don't see how this is OP. They claimed that this series doesn't have a self-insert main protagonist who is constantly praised for what he is doing, so the audience can feel nice when they self-insert as him, but what did we see in this episode and along with the previous ones? Naofumi is constantly praised (and is constantly referred to as Naofumi-sama like a broken record) for everything he is doing so that the audience can feel nice when they self-insert as him. I don't see the constant praise. The royalty and nobles still hate him. In this episode, one of the villagers admitted that Naofumi is a hard person to read. They claimed that this series doesn't have the main protagonist being given an OP weapon in which he can defeat anything or fix anything, but rather a shield that he can't even use for attacks. But what did we see in this episode and in previous ones? Naofumi has an OP weapon in which he has managed to defeat everything thus far, used it for attacks and can seemingly fix anything. This is a repetition of what I quoted already. To add onto my point about Naofumi using a specific solution on a specific monster, he still doesn't have attack power. He needs Filo and Raph to dish out the offense for him. It was that in this particular case, attack power wasn't necessary because the plant monster had a weakness that could be exploited. They claimed that this series isn't like other Isekai where waifu's are constantly fighting on who gets to be with the main protagonist/his attention. But what did we see in this episode, along with the last episode? Waifus constantly fighting on who gets Naofumi. But fighting over for what kind of attention? Romantic attention? Father/Daughter attention? In most harems, all the girls are looking for the latter type (e.g. Nisekoi, Infinite Stratos, etc.). However, in this case, one girl is trying get romantic attention while the other is trying to get the father/daughter type of attention. Just because the girls are looking for attention, it doesn't mean that they are seeking for the same type of attention. They claimed that this series is far from the Light Novels by having a cynical anti-social who never responds to the waifu's who are fighting for him. But just like Goblin Slayer, Naofumi is a cynical anti-social who never responds to the waifu's who want to be with him. Uh... he actually does care for them, from cooking them food or treating Raph's illness when she was still in her child form. In Episode 6, Naofumi scolded Raph for being too hasty as he wrapped her arm with a bandage. They claimed that this series is far from the Light Novels by NOT having naked furry waifu's for cheap fanservice, ZERO PANDERING they said. But what did we see in this episode? Naked furry waifu's for cheap fanservice, MUCH PANDERING! I must ask again. Who is "they"? And is your description of "they" as accurate as you claim it to be? I mean, I'm a fan of this series and I acknowledge that it has some fanservice, just not to as large of a degree as other harems/isekais. They claimed that this series is different from most Isekai and Light Novels because it never resorts to bad erotic comedy for basement dwellers. But what did we see in this episode? A busty, furry waifu who has the appearance of a mature young woman but is mentally a child being the example of the shows bad erotic comedy for basement dwellers, and I quote, "We can't k-k-kiss! I'll get pregnant!" - a marvelous follow up from the previous episodes joke from the Blacksmith who did a "Big dick" joke to Filo who is a minor! Raph's body matured faster than her mind due to the quirks of being a demi-human. I would say it's an understandable comment though I also consider that line to be absolutely silly. Fun fact, that same line was used in Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry by an actual teenage female character. And I have no idea what "big dick" joke you are referring to... Stock characters, an abundance of cliches, otaku pandering, cheap shock value, one-dimensional villains, revenge porn, OP MC, MC always has the high moral ground, self-insert MC etc. Same shit. It’s a modern isekai, if you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all. The harem crap is far from this shows problems, the writing is cringe-inducing and the show is filled with ludonarrative dissonance. You are trying way too hard and coming off more as a lunatic rather than someone who's trying to have a discussion. From the isekai I have watched, none. But it happens in Shield Hero, you know this and we are seeing the seeds. You mean you are seeing the seeds. You don't speak for everyone. |
Feb 23, 2019 12:08 PM
Having only just recently being able to see the episode due to technical difficulties, I must say that this episode was a huge ass meh for me. The fight with the Bioplant was butchered in ending as fast as it did. There were a few plant monsters that they fought in the LN that they didn't show. And the the actual fight with the "boss" took a while as their attacks weren't effective and they went for the eye first. The latter part of the episode, I don't remember that well from the LN. It was a sweet bonding moment for Raphtalia and Filo, but there certainly shouldn't have been a love rivalry made between the two of them. |
Feb 23, 2019 1:55 PM
VeryLTTP said: They claimed that this series is different from most Isekai and Light Novels because it never resorts to bad erotic comedy for basement dwellers. But what did we see in this episode? A busty, furry waifu who has the appearance of a mature young woman but is mentally a child being the example of the shows bad erotic comedy for basement dwellers, and I quote, "We can't k-k-kiss! I'll get pregnant!" - a marvelous follow up from the previous episodes joke from the Blacksmith who did a "Big dick" joke to Filo who is a minor! And I have no idea what "big dick" joke you are referring to... He's deliberately misconstruing the start of episode 6 into something sexual.. It is seriously creepy how a person's mind can be this warped. Demyx_IX said: Having only just recently being able to see the episode due to technical difficulties, I must say that this episode was a huge ass meh for me. The fight with the Bioplant was butchered in ending as fast as it did. There were a few plant monsters that they fought in the LN that they didn't show. And the the actual fight with the "boss" took a while as their attacks weren't effective and they went for the eye first. The latter part of the episode, I don't remember that well from the LN. It was a sweet bonding moment for Raphtalia and Filo, but there certainly shouldn't have been a love rivalry made between the two of them. Disappointing to know that the fight was butchered. I too thought the fight could have gone on slightly longer, hopefully the studio can still do justice to future "bosses" battles. There's no love rivalry in the romantic sense (in the mate scene), Filo is vying for fatherly affection while Raphtalia, romantic affection. Just wanted to clear this up, I know and respect that you've already read the LN. I thought that Filo is a pretty well written character in the context of this series. She's selfish and self centered, doesn't think of consequences, smirks instead of helping Raphtalia when she got caught, wanting Naofumi's attention all to herself (Fatherly affection) and even being unembarrassed swimming in the onsen with Naofumi. These are all to me, believable traits on a very young child. Then again I understand the supposed confusion, there's a subtlety to these glimpse of her mental age that you'll have to be paying attention to piece together. Now I'm curious what the Japanese audience thinks, whether they do indeed have the same misinterpretation as we do.. |
veridiancityFeb 23, 2019 2:08 PM
Feb 23, 2019 2:13 PM
Viz said: that's what I was thinking, I remember the information on the a sword hero saying he killed a dragon, but Wtf you just let a large body just decay like that. Flippin sword hero smhSo that dragon was likely killed by the Sword Hero, thus causing an epidemic? |
Feb 23, 2019 2:14 PM
veridiancity said: He's deliberately misconstruing the start of episode 6 into something sexual.. It is seriously creepy how a person's mind can be this warped. Oooohhh, the part where Filo transformed and ate the shopkeeper's sandwich. That's really messed up if the first thing that comes to your mind is that the sandwich resembles a dick... |
Feb 23, 2019 2:17 PM
VeryLTTP said: veridiancity said: He's deliberately misconstruing the start of episode 6 into something sexual.. It is seriously creepy how a person's mind can be this warped. Oooohhh, the part where Filo transformed and ate the shopkeeper's sandwich. That's really messed up if the first thing that comes to your mind is that the sandwich resembles a dick... Right? Can you even imagine the amount of mental gymnastic required to conceive such a vile and contrived argument just for the sake of bashing a show? I've never come across a more disingenuous person in my life. I made the mistake of ever engaging him in the first place, I suggest you stop giving him attention too. Ixssio said: Viz said: that's what I was thinking, I remember the information on the a sword hero saying he killed a dragon, but Wtf you just let a large body just decay like that. Flippin sword hero smhSo that dragon was likely killed by the Sword Hero, thus causing an epidemic? Ain't got time to watch that decomposing animation bro, gotta go fast to grind the next mob! - every MMO player |
veridiancityFeb 23, 2019 3:17 PM
Feb 23, 2019 4:43 PM
Question to the light novel readers; when will we get actual plot again? |
Feb 23, 2019 11:16 PM
Feb 24, 2019 1:54 AM
Show: take some time to actually show some character developement MAL users: "This is boring trash now." For those saying it's harem now 1) two girls don't count as harem 2) he literally sees one of them as a pet and the other as a daughter Raizel said: Turned into a really mediocre show these last two episodes. How so? |
You all need to watch Nami. |
Feb 24, 2019 2:15 AM
Comn on mal.Your virtue signaling is dumb at this point.Our shield hero is worth liking.His affection form the two girls well earned at this point.The two of them getting closer does help the story. one lighthreated episode for downtime does not make the show bad.Levity is important. |
Feb 24, 2019 5:31 AM
genesic123 said: one lighthreated episode for downtime does not make the show bad.Levity is important. One, huh? It was pretty bad for the last 3 episodes. 7th is the worst tho. |
Feb 24, 2019 5:54 AM
Holy shit, Motoyasu is wrecking the villages all over the places one by one... What a fucking asshole! No matter... Where Motoyasu leaves with resentment of the villagers on him, Naofumi took that into an advantage (unintentionally/unwillingly) and leave with the villagers' gratitude on him! This ep is pretty much focusing on the attention rivalry between Raphtalia and Firo, not the best kind of ep so far, but a nice one! I am glad that this jealousy of Raphtalia is not a permanent thing and in the end, both Raphtalia and Firo worked together and gift something that Naofumi wanted, in turn making Naofumi give more affection and attention towards Firo and Raphtalia! Everyone wins in the end, even the villagers who will use the boar for rituals and I like seeing all that happen! Kissing doesn't make you pregnant Raphtalia... On the other hand, Firo knows her stuff about mating! Oh hell yeah! Next ep will be about the cursed shield, this is what I've been wanting to see since Motoyasu lost to Naofumi. |
Feb 24, 2019 6:28 AM
-Aincrad- said: Seems like in the next episode we will finally see the curse shield Can't wait to see what it's like Also, everyone who's calling this anime a harem already, you have no idea what a harem anime looks like FFS it's only Rapthalia who's in love with Naofumi, Filo is just a child who's actually a damn bird, who just wants attention from Naofumi, that's all This is nothing like a harem And stop calling this/previous episode a filler or useless Just because there isn't intense drama and fights, it's not a filler EVERY anime needs episodes like these... Amen to that. I really enjoy when they take a break and show a bit of slice of life. It adds depth to the world and characters (seeing them relaxed and having fun). |
Feb 24, 2019 8:32 AM
genesic123 said: It does help with the story, but at the same time, they could have gone without having Filo try to be a love rival for Raphtalia. Which doesn't happen in the LN at all.Comn on mal.Your virtue signaling is dumb at this point.Our shield hero is worth liking.His affection form the two girls well earned at this point.The two of them getting closer does help the story. one lighthreated episode for downtime does not make the show bad.Levity is important. Kamiyan3991 said: I agree with you partially on this, episode 7 is the worst so far.genesic123 said: one lighthreated episode for downtime does not make the show bad.Levity is important. One, huh? It was pretty bad for the last 3 episodes. 7th is the worst tho. Lex4709 said: Every episode has had actual plot in it. Most of you idiots think there's filler episodes. 7 just spends the latter half of the episode on an extra chapter from the LN.Question to the light novel readers; when will we get actual plot again? |
Demyx_IXFeb 24, 2019 8:35 AM
Feb 24, 2019 9:35 AM
veridiancity said: I studied some Japanese, let me try to shed some light. Filo uses Tsugai in a non sexual/romantic context. Raphtalia was the one who interpreted it differently. The scene was done to show the difference in mentality between them both. You can also tell the difference from their tone and expressions. Japanese is a highly contextual based language so I understand if that confuses some viewers. That is really good to know. I was worrying they wanted to make it look like a harem, even if it wasn't one. I am really relieved that Filo apparently meant it in the way it was supposed to be - just the attention a child would want from their father. If they would've butchered the relationship the three have in the LN, I would've been really disappionted, tbh. That's one of the things I like the most in the story. |
Feb 24, 2019 10:16 AM
VeryLTTP said: veridiancity said: He's deliberately misconstruing the start of episode 6 into something sexual.. It is seriously creepy how a person's mind can be this warped. Oooohhh, the part where Filo transformed and ate the shopkeeper's sandwich. That's really messed up if the first thing that comes to your mind is that the sandwich resembles a dick... @papsoshea, man you really need to stop watching porn or hentai for about a month. Your mind is being corrupted by those, kidding aside, I really didn't notice that at all until someone actually said it, the thing is Elhart(Blacksmith dude) just teasing Filo because she has a small mouth for that big sandwich. A unique kind of thinking thank you for brightening my day, I really laugh so hard because of that. |
Feb 24, 2019 12:43 PM
papsoshea said: 1 10. veridiancity said: The 'joke' was the Blacksmith (a lolicon) offering a sandwich to Filo and saying, "How big of a bite could she possibly take?" then you have his facial expression and the big sandwich, get it? *rolls eyes* There is no reaching here.Big dick joke? Wow. Now you're just desperately reaching. This is the very definition of reaching. You need to see a psychologist for porn/hentai logic syndrome. |
Feb 24, 2019 12:50 PM
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